Search results for help from doctor
Dyslexia - Management
While dyslexia is a lifelong problem, there's a range of specialist educational interventions that can help children with their reading and writing.
Help and support for breast cancer in women
Find out where to get help and support for breast cancer from your specialist team and charities like Breast Cancer Now and Macmillan.
Help and support for breast cancer in men
Find out where to get help and support for breast cancer from your specialist team and charities like Breast Cancer Now and Macmillan.
Help and support for bowel cancer
Find out where to get help and support for bowel cancer from your specialist team and charities like Macmillan and Marie Curie.
Dry mouth
Find out about dry mouth, including what causes it and things you can do to help ease it yourself.
Help and support for retinoblastoma
Find out where to get help and support if you have a child affected by retinoblastoma.
Help and support with mouth cancer
Find out where to get help and support if you or a loved one has mouth cancer, such as from your specialist team and charities like Macmillan and Cancer Research UK.
Help and support for gallbladder cancer
Find out about national charities that offer support for people and their loved ones affected by gallbladder cancer.
Help and support for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Find out where to get help and support for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) from your specialist team and charities like Macmillan and Cancer Research UK.
Help for young carers - Social care and support guide
If you are aged under 18 and you care for someone else, find out more about people who can support you.