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Testicle lumps and swellings
Find out about lumps and swellings in the testicles, including what can cause them and when to get medical advice.
Tension headaches
NHS information and advice about tension headaches. Find out about symptoms, causes, treatments, prevention and when to get medical help.
Tennis elbow
NHS information and advice about tennis elbow, including the symptoms, what you can do to help ease them, when to get medical help and treatments.
Find out more about tendonitis, where a tendon becomes swollen. It can cause joint pain and stiffness.
Temporomandibular disorder
Read more about temporomandibular disorder (TMD), which is a problem affecting the chewing muscles and the joints between the lower jaw and the base of the skull.
Temporal arteritis
Find out about temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis), a condition when arteries become inflamed. It's a serious condition that needs urgent treatment.
Teeth grinding (bruxism)
Read about teeth grinding (bruxism). Find out what causes it, what the associated symptoms are, when to get medical help and how it can be treated.
Tailbone (coccyx) pain
Find out about tailbone (coccyx) pain, including how to ease the pain yourself and when to get medical help. Read about symptoms, causes and treatments.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Find out what the symptoms are, when and where to get medical help and how it's treated.
Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
Find out more about dysphagia, where you have problems swallowing.