Search results for The impact of food additives and preservatives on health
Advance decision (living will)
An advance decision to refuse treatment lets your healthcare team know your wishes if you are not able to communicate them.
Dementia and end of life planning
Information about end-of-life care for people with dementia, including care homes, care at home and hospices.
Dementia, social services and the NHS
Information about the services available to people with dementia from social services and the NHS, including continuing care.
How to help your autistic child with day-to-day life
Advice about what you can do to help your child with communication, anxiety, eating, sleeping, staying healthy and friendships.
Vulvodynia (vulval pain)
Find out about vulvodynia, including what the symptoms are, when to get medical help, plus treatments and things you can do to help ease the pain.
Tooth decay
Find out about tooth decay, including the symptoms, when to see a dentist, how it’s treated and how it can be prevented.
Sickle cell disease
Find out about sickle cell disease, a serious inherited blood disorder where the red blood cells develop abnormally. Find out about the symptoms, causes and treatments.
Read about the signs and symptoms of poisoning and find out what to do if you think someone has been poisoned.
Find out about pericarditis, including symptoms, when to get help, treatment and causes.
Noonan syndrome
Read about Noonan syndrome, which is a genetic disorder that causes a wide range of features, such as heart abnormalities and unusual facial features.