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Search results for The impact of food additives and preservatives on health

  • Cystic fibrosis

    Cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition in which the lungs and digestive system can become clogged with thick, sticky mucus. Read about the symptoms, causes and treatments.

  • Charles Bonnet syndrome

    NHS information about Charles Bonnet syndrome, including symptoms, causes and treatments.

  • Blood transfusion

    Find out about blood transfusions, what they are, why they are done and what happens during the procedure.

  • Blood tests

    Find out about blood tests, including why they’re done, how to prepare, what happens at the test, and when you’ll get your results.

  • Bedbugs

    Find out about bedbugs, including checking if you have them, how to get rid of them and how to treat bedbug bites.

  • Anaphylaxis

    NHS information about anaphylaxis, including symptoms, when to get help, treatment and prevention.

  • Alcohol misuse

    Alcohol misuse is where a person consumes excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks.

  • Vulval cancer - Treatment

    Read about the main treatments for vulval cancer, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  • Vitamins and minerals - Vitamin E

    Find out about Vitamin E, including what it does, how much you need, and how to make sure you get enough.

  • Vitamins and minerals - Iodine

    Find out about iodine, including what it does, how much you need, and how to make sure you get enough.