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Find out about migraines, including symptoms and how they're treated.
Find out about laryngitis, which is when your voice box becomes irritated or swollen. Symptoms of laryngitis usually come on suddenly and get worse during the first 3 days.
Kidney stones
Information about kidney stones, including symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention.
Foot drop
Find out about foot drop, where it's difficult to lift or move your foot and toes when walking.
High temperature (fever) in children
Find out how to check if your child has a high temperature (fever), what you can do to bring their temperature down, and when to get medical help.
Dystonia is the name for uncontrolled and sometimes painful muscle movements (spasms). Find out about the main symptoms, types and treatments.
Clinical trials
Information about clinical trials and how to join one.
Find out about cholesteatoma, a rare ear condition that causes hearing and balance problems, including the symptoms, when to get medical help and treatments.
Find out more about chickenpox, an infection that's spread easily and causes an itchy, spotty rash.
Breath-holding in babies and children
Find out about breath-holding in babies and children, including when to get medical help, what happens during an episode and what to do.