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Coronary heart disease - Causes
Find out what causes coronary heart disease (CHD). It's usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries).
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography - Why they're used
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography can provide important information about the heart and the surrounding blood vessels supplying it.
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography - How they're performed
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography is carried out at a hospital or specialist heart centre.
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography - Risks
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography are generally considered to be safe procedures. However, as with all medical procedures, there are some risks.
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography - Recovery
After having cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography, your pulse and blood pressure will be checked and recorded.
Congenital heart disease - Types
Congenital heart disease refers to a range of possible heart defects.
Congenital heart disease - Treatment
Treatment for congenital heart disease depends on the specific defect you or your child has.
Congenital heart disease - Symptoms
Congenital heart disease can have a range of symptoms, because the condition refers to several different types of heart defect.
Congenital heart disease - Prevention
As so little is known about the causes of congenital heart disease, there's no guaranteed way of avoiding having a baby with the condition.
Congenital heart disease - Diagnosis
In many cases, congenital heart disease is diagnosed in a baby during pregnancy. However, a diagnosis may sometimes only be confirmed after the birth.