Search results for birth
How to care for children with complex needs - Social care and support guide
Includes sources of support, children's needs, single parent carers and planning for the future.
Sleep and tiredness after having a baby
Tips for coping with tiredness and sleep problems when you have a new baby, with advice about how to relax, get more sleep and deal with stress.
Your newborn twins
What to expect at the hospital after your twins or triplets are born, and tips for when you take them home.
Newborn physical examination
All new parents are offered a newborn physical examination for their baby. Your baby's eyes, heart, hips and, in boys, testicles will be checked.
Edwards' syndrome (trisomy 18)
Edwards' syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a serious genetic condition caused by an additional copy of chromosome 18 in some or all of the cells in the body.
Differences in sex development
Find out about differences in sex development (DSDs), a group of rare conditions where the reproductive organs and genitals don't develop as expected. Some people prefer to use the term intersex.
Turner syndrome - Diagnosis
Turner syndrome is sometimes diagnosed before a baby is born, although it is often identified during childhood or at puberty.
Stillbirth - What happens if your unborn baby dies
Read about what happens after stillbirth, finding the cause of death and the support available to you and your family.
Rhesus disease - Prevention
Rhesus disease can largely be prevented by having an injection of a medication called anti-D immunoglobulin.
Hydrocephalus - Symptoms
Read about the symptoms of hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain). The symptoms can differ depending on the type of hydrocephalus and the age of the person affected.