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  • High blood pressure

    Find out about high blood pressure, including how to find out if you have it, what causes it and what you can do to lower it.

  • Hiccups

    Find out about things you can do yourself to stop or prevent hiccups.

  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

    Find out about haemophilus influenzae (Hib),including what the symptoms are, what causes it, and the vaccines that can help prevent it.

  • Hepatitis C

    Read about hepatitis C, a virus that can infect and damage the liver. Find out about the symptoms, causes and treatments for the condition.

  • Hepatitis B

    Find out about hepatitis B, what causes it, how it’s prevented, what the symptoms are, how it is treated and what the complications may be.

  • Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP)

    NHS information about Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), including what the symptoms are, when to get medical help and treatments.

  • Heart palpitations

    Find out what heart palpitations are, what they feel like, common causes and when to get medical help.

  • Heart failure

    Find out what heart failure is, including what the symptoms are and how it is treated.

  • Head lice and nits

    Find out how to spot head lice, how to get rid of them and how they spread.

  • Head and neck cancer

    Read about the main types of cancer that affect the head and neck, including mouth cancer, laryngeal cancer and throat cancer.