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  • Cholera

    Find out about cholera, including how you get it, how to avoid getting it, what the symptoms are, where to get medical help and how it’s treated.

  • Chiropractic

    Find out what chiropractic is, how you can get it on the NHS or privately, and what the treatment involves.

  • Chipped, broken or cracked tooth

    Find out how a dentist can treat a chipped, broken or cracked tooth.

  • Chilblains

    NHS information about chilblains, including symptoms, causes and how to treat them yourself.

  • Chickenpox

    Chickenpox is a very contagious infection that causes an itchy, spotty rash. Read NHS information about chickenpox symptoms and when to get medical advice.

  • Chemotherapy

    There are different types of chemotherapy medicines, but they all work in a similar way. They stop cancer cells reproducing, which prevents them from growing and spreading in the body.

  • Cavernoma

    Find out what a cavernoma is, what symptoms it can cause, the importance of closely monitoring symptoms, how it's diagnosed and treatment options.

  • Catarrh

    Find out about catarrh, including what the symptoms are, what you can do to help ease it, when to get medical help, and treatments that may be recommended.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

    Find out about carbon monoxide poisoning, what the symptoms are, what to do if you have it, what causes it, how it is treated, and how to prevent it.

  • Caesarean section

    Find out why caesarean sections are carried out, whether you can ask for one, what they involve, and what the risks are.