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Asthma - Asthma attacks
Find out more about asthma attacks and how to manage them.
Help your baby learn to talk
How to help your baby or toddler learn to talk, plus advice on speech and language problems and bilingual children.
How to take the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill)
You need to take the emergency pill (morning after pill) within 3 days or 5 days after sex, depending on the type.
You and your pregnancy at 1 to 3 weeks
Find out about some of the things to think about at 1 to 3 weeks of pregnancy, including taking folic acid, and vitamin D, medicines in pregnancy and foods to avoid.
The stages of labour and birth
Find out what happens during labour and birth, including the 3 stages of labour, contractions, dilation, birth positions and monitoring your baby.
Fish and shellfish
Find out why most of us should eat more fish, including oily fish for omega-3. Learn how to eat fish and shellfish safely, including information on fish and shellfish allergies.
Who can and cannot take hyoscine hydrobromide
NHS medicines information on who can take hyoscine hydrobromide and who may not be able to take it.
Who can and cannot use fluticasone skin creams
NHS medicines information on who can use fluticasone skin creams and who may not be able to use them.
Knee exercises for runners
These knee strengthening exercises will help with your running, strengthen the muscles around the knee and prevent knee pain.
The vegan diet
Find out how to be healthy on a vegan diet, including vegan sources of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iron.