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Find out more about astigmatism, a common eye condition, including the symptoms and how it's treated.
Recovering from weight loss surgery
Recovering from weight loss surgery can take several weeks. Find out about things you should do after recovery.
Turner syndrome - Causes
Turner syndrome is a genetic condition caused by a missing or incomplete sex chromosome.
Trigger finger - Causes
Trigger finger is caused by swelling affecting one of the tendons in your fingers or thumb. However it's not known exactly why the swelling occurs.
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) - How it's performed
Read about what happens before and during transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), including what you might need to do to prepare for the procedure.
Symptoms of retinoblastoma
Find out about the symptoms of retinoblastoma. The main sign is a white glow or reflection in the centre of the eye.
Laryngeal (larynx) cancer - Recovery
Read about what happens after having surgery for laryngeal cancer, including how you'll breathe and speak after the procedure.
Causes of infertility
Read about the causes of infertility. Common causes for women include ovulation disorders. For men, common causes include problems with their semen, sperm or the testicles.
Coeliac disease - Diagnosis
Find out about tests to diagnose coeliac disease. The two main methods of diagnosis are a blood test and a biopsy.
Childhood cataracts - Symptoms
Symptoms of childhood cataracts include poor vision, a squint and "wobbling" eyes.