Contact your GP surgery - NHS App help and support
Contact a GP or other health professional using the NHS App or the NHS website. It saves you waiting for an appointment or going to the GP surgery.
Your antenatal care
Find out how to contact your midwife or GP to start your antenatal care in pregnancy, and read about the tests, checks and health advice you can expect, including information about reduced foetal movement.
NHS voucher values for glasses and lenses
Find out about the NHS voucher values for glasses and contact lenses.
Free NHS eye tests and optical vouchers
Find out if you're entitled to a free NHS sight test or an optical voucher to help reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses.
Can I get my glasses repaired or replaced on the NHS?
Find out if you are entitled to help with the cost of repairing or replacing your glasses or contact lenses.
Where to get urgent help for mental health
You may need urgent help for mental health for many different reasons. Some people call it a crisis, an emergency or a breakdown. It's important to know that support is available, whatever you're going through.
How to find local mental health services
Local mental health services for adults come from various providers and you can choose who to contact in your area to get help.
How do I complain about my dental treatment?
If you wish to complain about the care or service provided by your dentist or dental surgery, contact the person responsible for the practice complaints procedure. Your dentist will try to resolve your complaint.
How can I access an NHS dentist in an emergency or out of hours?
If you have a regular NHS dentist and need urgent or out-of-hours treatment, contact your dentist for advice. If you do not have a regular NHS dentist, contact NHS 111.
NHS stop smoking services help you quit
Find out how using an NHS stop smoking service can improve your chances of quitting smoking. Plus, how to contact a stop smoking adviser and what sessions involve.