Search results for help from doctor
Vulvodynia (vulval pain)
Find out about vulvodynia, including what the symptoms are, when to get medical help, plus treatments and things you can do to help ease the pain.
Unintentional weight loss
Find out what can cause unintentional weight loss and when to get medical help.
Read about threadworms (pinworms), which are tiny worms in your poo. They're common in children and spread easily. You can treat them without seeing a GP.
Tension headaches
NHS information and advice about tension headaches. Find out about symptoms, causes, treatments, prevention and when to get medical help.
Teeth grinding (bruxism)
Read about teeth grinding (bruxism). Find out what causes it, what the associated symptoms are, when to get medical help and how it can be treated.
Swollen arms and hands (oedema)
Find out about the causes of swollen arms and hands, what to do about it and when to get help.
Postmenopausal bleeding
Find out about postmenopausal bleeding, what could be causing it, when to get medical help and what treatments are available.
Tight foreskin (phimosis)
Find out about tight foreskin (phimosis), including what you can do to ease a tight foreskin and when to get medical help.
Peyronie's disease
Find out about Peyronie's disease, a condition that causes your penis to curve when it’s erect. Find out about the symptoms, when to get medical help and treatment.
Period pain
Find out about period pain, including symptoms, causes, when to see a GP, diagnosing underlying conditions, and treatment.