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Read about gastrectomy, a medical procedure that involves surgically removing all or part of the stomach. Find out how it is performed, the recovery and complications from having it.
Gangrene is a serious condition in which a loss of blood supply causes tissue to die. It can affect any part of the body but typically starts in the toes, feet, fingers and hands.
Ganglion cyst
A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled swelling that develops near a joint or tendon. The cyst can range from the size of a pea to the size of a golf ball.
Gallstones are small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. They do not usually cause any symptoms and do not need to be treated.
Gallbladder removal
Read about gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy), including why it's done, what's involved and what the potential risks are.
Gallbladder cancer
Understand more about gallbladder cancer, its symptoms, when to get medical help, testing and diagnosis, treatment and where to find help and support.
Fungal nail infection
NHS information about fungal nail infections, including symptoms, self-care, when to get medical help, treatments and prevention.
Frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder means your shoulder is painful and stiff for months, sometimes years. Find out about the main symptoms, treatments and causes.
Read about frostbite, how it's caused and how to prevent it. Also find out what to do if you have frostbite and when to get medical assistance.
Frontotemporal dementia
Find out what frontotemporal dementia is, what the symptoms are, how it's treated, and what the outlook is.