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Foot drop
Find out about foot drop, where it's difficult to lift or move your foot and toes when walking.
Food poisoning
Find out about food poisoning including what the symptoms are, how you can treat yourself at home, when to get medical help, and what causes it.
Food colours and hyperactivity
Find out about the possible link between some artificial food colours and hyperactivity in children.
Food allergy
Find out more about food allergies, including what the symptoms are, what can cause them and how they're treated.
Floaters and flashes in the eyes
Find out about floaters, which are small shapes that some people see floating in their field of vision.
Farting (flatulence)
Flatulence is passing gas from the digestive system out of the back passage. It's more commonly known as "passing wind", or "farting".
Flat feet
Find out about flat feet (fallen arches), including why they happen, whether they're serious and how they can be treated.
First aid
Find out what to do in emergency situations such as anaphylaxis, bleeding, burns and scalds, choking, drowning, electrocution, fractures, heart attacks, poisoning, shock and stroke.
Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.
Read about the different types of fibroids and why they develop. Find out when to see a GP if you have fibroids and how they're treated.