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Newborn jaundice - Diagnosis
Your baby will be checked for jaundice within 72 hours of being born, but you should check for signs of the condition after you return home.
Causes of infertility
Read about the causes of infertility. Common causes for women include ovulation disorders. For men, common causes include problems with their semen, sperm or the testicles.
National FGM Support Clinics
Find out more about National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSC), community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).
Encephalitis - Symptoms
Find out about the main signs and symptoms of encephalitis, and when to get medical advice.
Ectopic pregnancy - Symptoms
Read about the main signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, including vaginal bleeding, tummy pain and pain in the tip of your shoulder.
Dyslexia - Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of dyslexia differ from person to person. Each individual with the condition will have a unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses.
Deafblindness - Symptoms
Find out about the signs that could suggest someone is deafblind, or that they may be gradually losing their sight or hearing.
Chorionic villus sampling - Why it's offered
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is offered to pregnant women at risk of having a baby with a serious genetic disorder. It will diagnose any problems at an early stage.
Aphasia - Symptoms
Read about the signs and symptoms of aphasia. The main sign is difficulty with communication, although the condition affects everyone differently.
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) - Symptoms
Symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) include blood clots, and in women, problems in pregnancy.