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Postnatal depression
Postnatal depression is a type of depression that many parents experience after having a baby. It's a common problem, affecting more than 1 in every 10 women within a year of giving birth.
Diabetes and pregnancy
Find out about diabetes in pregnancy, including types 1 and 2, the risks to you and your baby, and how to manage the condition.
Severe vomiting in pregnancy
Find out about severe vomiting in pregnancy, the condition that affects around 1 to 3 in 100 pregnant women. It's also known as hyperemesis gravidarum, or HG.
Spotting signs of child sexual abuse
How to identify signs that a child is being sexually abused, why it's important to act if you suspect a child is being abused and how to report your concerns.
What you can do to reduce the risk of stillbirth
Find out how you can help reduce the risk of stillbirth, including stopping smoking, going to your antenatal appointments, and knowing when to get urgent help.
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Postpartum psychosis
Information on postpartum psychosis (psychosis after childbirth), with links to other useful resources.
Who can and cannot take or use terbinafine
NHS medicines information on who can take or use terbinafine and who may not be able to take or use it.
Who can and cannot take prochlorperazine
NHS medicines information on who can take prochlorperazine and who may not be able to take it.
Side effects of phenytoin
NHS medicines information on side effects of phenytoin and what you can do to cope.