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Quality Accounts
A Quality Account is a published report about the quality of services and improvements offered by an NHS healthcare provider.
Friends and Family Test (FFT)
Find out about the Friends and Family Test (FFT), which asks patients to rate their experience of NHS services and leave comments. This feedback helps service providers make improvements.
Antenatal support: meet the team
Find out who is in your antenatal team and how they'll help you during pregnancy, labour and birth, including the midwife, obstetrician and sonographer.
20-week scan
Find out more about the 20-week screening scan (also called the anomaly scan), which looks for 11 different conditions in your baby. Find out how to get it, what happens during the test and when you get the results.
12-week scan
At 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, you should be offered a pregnancy dating scan. It will let you know a more reliable due date and check how your baby is developing.
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Find out the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, including morning sickness, sore breasts, feeling tired and missing a period.
Mental health problems and pregnancy
If you are pregnant and would like to know more about looking after your mental health, this page has advice and information.
Drinking alcohol while pregnant
The safest thing you can do if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying for a baby, is to avoid alcohol.
Finding out you're pregnant
How you might feel when you find out you're pregnant, plus links to taking a pregnancy test and early signs and symptoms.
Pregnancy due date calculator
Use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out roughly when your baby is due to be born, working from the first day of your last period.