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Coping with financial worries
Read about how worries about money or losing your job can affect mental wellbeing, plus tips on coping with anxiety and where to get help.
Shingles vaccine
Find out about the shingles vaccine, including who it's for, how to get it and possible side effects.
RSV vaccine
Find out about the RSV vaccine, including who it's for, how to get it and common side effects.
Pneumococcal vaccine
NHS information about the pneumococcal vaccine, including what the vaccine helps protect against, who should have it, how to get it and side effects.
MenACWY vaccine
Find out about the MenACWY vaccine, including what it’s for, who should have it, how to get it and possible side effects.
Hepatitis B vaccine
Find out about the hepatitis B vaccine, including why it’s given, who can have it and what side effects it can have.
Booking your child's vaccination appointment
Find out how to book your child's appointment and what to do if you cannot make it.
Find alcohol addiction support services
Use this service to choose to find an alcohol addiction support service in your part of England.
About the NHS App
Find out about the services available in the NHS App, and how to access them using the app or the NHS website.
Ticagrelor: an antiplatelet medicine to prevent blood clots
NHS medicines information on ticagrelor – what it’s used for, side effects, dosage and who can take it.