Search results for The impact of food additives and preservatives on health
Care services, equipment and care homes - Social care and support guide
Includes home adaptations, help at home from a paid carer, staying safe and housing.
Care after a hospital stay - Social care and support guide
Includes hospital discharge and care and support afterwards.
Your wellbeing if you're having end of life care
Information to help you cope during end of life care, including how your symptoms might change and what financial support you can get.
Where you can have end of life care
Information about where you can have end of life care, including at home, in hospital, in a care home or in a hospice.
What to expect from end of life care
You should get the best possible end of life care, wherever you're being cared for. The staff caring for you should show kindness, respect your wishes and involve you and your family in decisions about your care.
What end of life care involves
End of life care should help you to live as well as possible until you die, and to die with dignity. The people providing your care should ask you about your wishes and preferences and work with you to plan your care.
Planning ahead for end of life care
Advice about planning for end of life care, including how to let people know what care you want to receive.
Dementia care and support
Information about care homes, NHS care, social services, financial support and legal issues if you or someone you care for have dementia.
Carers' breaks and respite care - Social care and support guide
How you can take a break from caring for someone else.
Carer's assessments - Social care and support guide
See if you can get support from your council, such as extra money or a break from caring.