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About rosuvastatin
NHS medicines information on rosuvastatin – what it's used for and key facts.
Taking rivaroxaban with other medicines and herbal supplements
NHS medicines information on possible interactions with rivaroxaban and other medicines, herbal remedies and supplements.
Side effects of rivaroxaban
NHS medicines information on side effects of rivaroxaban and what you can do to cope.
Side effects of risedronate
NHS medicines information on side effects of risedronate and what you can do to cope.
Common questions about risedronate
NHS medicines information on common questions about risedronate.
Who can and cannot have remdesivir
NHS medicines information on who can have remdesivir and who may not be able to have it.
Side effects of remdesivir
NHS medicines information on the side effects of remdesivir and what you can do to cope.
Common questions about remdesivir
NHS medicines information on common questions about remdesivir.
Side effects of ramipril
NHS medicines information on side effects of ramipril and what you can do to cope.
Taking rabeprazole with other medicines and herbal supplements
NHS medicines information on possible interactions with rabeprazole and other medicines, herbal remedies and supplements.