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You and your baby at 4 weeks pregnant
Read more about your baby's development and things to think about at 4 weeks of pregnancy, including drinking alcohol in pregnancy, emotional changes and advice for teenagers.
You and your pregnancy at 1 to 3 weeks
Find out about some of the things to think about at 1 to 3 weeks of pregnancy, including taking folic acid, and vitamin D, medicines in pregnancy and foods to avoid.
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Severe vomiting in pregnancy
Find out about severe vomiting in pregnancy, the condition that affects around 1 to 3 in 100 pregnant women. It's also known as hyperemesis gravidarum, or HG.
The stages of labour and birth
Find out what happens during labour and birth, including the 3 stages of labour, contractions, dilation, birth positions and monitoring your baby.
Symptoms - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Find out about the 3 main elements of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – obsessions, emotions and compulsions – plus some common examples of obsessions and compulsions.
The vegetarian diet
A guide to help vegetarians eat a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients, including sources of iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3.
Fish and shellfish
Find out why most of us should eat more fish, including oily fish for omega-3. Learn how to eat fish and shellfish safely, including information on fish and shellfish allergies.
Facts about fat
Find out about the role fats play in a healthy diet, including saturated fats, unsaturated fats and omega-3.
How to take the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill)
You need to take the emergency pill (morning after pill) within 3 days or 5 days after sex, depending on the type.