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Herpes simplex eye infections
Find out about herpes simplex eye infections, including what the symptoms are, when and where to get medical help and how they're treated.
Heartburn and acid reflux
Find out more about heartburn, a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat (acid reflux). If it keeps happening, it may be gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).
Hearing aids and implants
Find out about how to get hearing aids, and the different types of hearing aids and implants.
Head injury and concussion
Read about head injuries and concussion, what symptoms to look out for, when to seek medical advice or treatment and how to care for a minor head injury.
Fungal nail infection
NHS information about fungal nail infections, including symptoms, self-care, when to get medical help, treatments and prevention.
Food intolerance
NHS information about food intolerance, including symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
NHS information about flu, including symptoms, how to treat it yourself and when to get help.
Floaters and flashes in the eyes
Find out about floaters, which are small shapes that some people see floating in their field of vision.
High temperature (fever) in children
Find out how to check if your child has a high temperature (fever), what you can do to bring their temperature down, and when to get medical help.
High temperature (fever) in adults
Find out about high temperature (fever) in adults including what causes it, how to tell if you have a high temperature and how to treat it.