Search results for The impact of food additives and preservatives on health
Benefits for carers - Social care and support guide
Find out about financial support for people who care for others.
Medicines: tips for carers - Social care and support guide
Find out about giving pills correctly and safely, organising medicines and reviewing their use.
How to move, lift and handle someone else - Social care and support guide
Find out about moving, lifting and handling someone else, including common injuries and help or equipment to lift or move someone.
How to help someone you care for keep clean - Care and support guide
Advice on washing, bathing, laundry and general hygiene, maintaining dignity and continence services.
How to deal with challenging behaviour in adults - Social care and support guide
Find out about safety tips for carers, professional help and specific issues like sexual behaviour.
Work and disability - Social care and support guide
Find out about your rights, looking for work, government support and how employers can help if you have a disability.
When the council might pay for your social care - Social care and support guide
Find out about your council paying for you social care.
Personal budgets and direct payments - Social care and support guide
If you get social care funding from your council, personal budgets give you more control over how it is spent.
Paying for your own social care (self-funding) - Social care and support guide
What you need to know if you are paying for your own care.
NHS-funded nursing care - Social care and support guide
Find out about NHS funding for care by a registered nurse for people who live in a nursing home.