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Travel vaccination advice
If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
Ultrasound scans in pregnancy
Find out about ultrasound baby scans, including the dating scan and anomaly scan, to check for anomalies in the baby during pregnancy.
Planning your pregnancy
Key things to know when planning a pregnancy, including taking folic acid before you conceive, foods to avoid, cutting out alcohol, and finding out about vaccinations.
When pregnancy goes wrong
Read about how a pregnancy can go wrong, including ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death. Find out where to get care and support.
Feelings, relationships and pregnancy
How to cope with changes in your relationships with your partner, family and friends when you're pregnant. Plus, coping with worries about the baby and where to go for help and support if you're pregnant and on your own.
Your baby's movements
Find out what to do if your baby's movements slow down, change or stop (reduced foetal movement) during pregnancy
Vitamins, minerals and supplements in pregnancy
Find out about vitamins, minerals and supplements in pregnancy, including why you should take a folic acid supplement.
Foods to avoid in pregnancy
Find out what food and drink you can have and what you should avoid or be careful with during pregnancy, such as some cheeses, meats, fish, eggs, nuts, caffeine and alcohol.
The flu jab in pregnancy
Pregnant women should have the flu jab. Find out why it’s needed, where to get it and the risks of flu. The vaccine is safe to have at any stage of pregnancy.
Your first midwife appointment
What happens at your first midwife appointment (booking appointment) including questions, blood tests and checks.