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  • Chest infection

    Read about chest infections, including the symptoms, what you can do to treat it yourself, and how a pharmacist and GP can help. A chest infection will usually get better on its own in about 7 to 10 days.

  • Statins - Uses

    Find out when statins are used. They may be recommended if you have cardiovascular disease (CVD) or at a high risk of getting it in the next 10 years.

  • Diagnosis of infertility

    Read about when to get help for infertility, the initial assessment that you and your partner will have and the types of tests that may be done.

  • Your baby's first solid foods

    Get advice on starting solids (weaning), including when to start, what foods to give your baby, and which milks to offer as they grow.

  • 10 ways to reduce pain

    Find 10 practical ways to beat pain, including relaxation tips, breathing exercises and using telephone helplines.

  • You and your baby at 10 weeks pregnant

    Read more about your baby's development and things to think about at 10 weeks of pregnancy, including screening for Down's syndrome, vaccinations, places where you can give birth and domestic violence.

  • 10 stress busters

    How to beat stress, including exercise, taking control, social networks, work-life balance, and being positive.

  • 12-week scan

    At 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, you should be offered a pregnancy dating scan. It will let you know a more reliable due date and check how your baby is developing.

  • Postnatal depression

    Postnatal depression is a type of depression that many parents experience after having a baby. It's a common problem, affecting more than 1 in every 10 women within a year of giving birth.

  • Arms workout video

    Lose the bingo wings with this 10-minute workout video that focuses on toning your arms and improving your upper body strength.