Search results for 탤레 banonpi 바넌피선불유심내구제 유심칩삽니다 24시소액급전대출 청송군정식업체 급전소액해드려요
Read about stillbirth, which is where a baby is born dead after 24 completed weeks of pregnancy. Find out the causes of stillbirth and how to reduce the risk.
Your breastfeeding questions answered
Find answers to breastfeeding questions such as, "How often should I feed my newborn?" and "How long should I breastfeed for?" Plus, where to find help and support for breastfeeding.
Baby and toddler play ideas
Simple ways for children to be creative, including playing with water, reading books, rattles, play dough, drawing and painting, dressing up and making models.
You and your baby at 24 weeks pregnant
What's happening at 24 weeks of pregnancy, including baby development, your health and preparing for birth.
Your baby's movements
Find out what to do if your baby's movements slow down, change or stop (reduced foetal movement) during pregnancy
What you can do to reduce the risk of stillbirth
Find out how you can help reduce the risk of stillbirth, including stopping smoking, going to your antenatal appointments, and knowing when to get urgent help.
Your antenatal care
Find out how to contact your midwife or GP to start your antenatal care in pregnancy, and read about the tests, checks and health advice you can expect, including information about reduced foetal movement.