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Umbilical hernia repair - How it's performed
Umbilical hernia repair is a fairly quick and simple operation. It usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes and you will usually be able to go home on the same day.
Kidney stones
Information about kidney stones, including symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention.
Huntington's disease
Find out about Huntington's disease, including symptoms, causes and how it's treated.
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke can happen if you get too hot. They can be serious. They usually happen during a heatwave or in a hot climate, but can also be caused by very intense exercise.
Find out about headaches, including what you can do to help ease them, when to get medical advice and what the most common causes are.
Haemochromatosis - Symptoms
Find out about the main symptoms of haemochromatosis and when to get medical advice.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease - Diagnosis
Find out how autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is diagnosed. Urine tests and specialised blood tests are used, plus an ultrasound scan, CT scan or MRI scan.
Angiography - What happens
Find out about preparing for angiography, and what happens during and after the procedure.
Baby and toddler play ideas
Simple ways for children to be creative, including playing with water, reading books, rattles, play dough, drawing and painting, dressing up and making models.
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