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Search results for contraception

  • Sex and contraception after birth

    Find out about sex and contraception after birth, including contraception you can use while breastfeeding.

  • Crohn's disease – Living with – NHS

    Information and advice about living with Crohn's disease, including diet and lifestyle advice, pharmacy medicines, vaccinations and pregnancy and contraception.

  • Your 6-week postnatal check

    Find out about the postnatal check that happens around 6 weeks after the birth, where you can discuss any health issues you may have, including contraception.

  • Molar pregnancy

    A molar pregnancy is when there's a problem with a fertilised egg, which means a baby and a placenta do not develop the way they should after conception. A molar pregnancy will not be able to survive.

  • Thalassaemia - Living with

    Read about living with thalassaemia, including what you can do to stay healthy and advice about planning a pregnancy.

  • Sickle cell disease - Living with

    Read advice about living with sickle cell disease, including how to avoid pain and infections, when to get medical advice and getting pregnant.

  • Menopause - Symptoms

    Find out about the different symptoms of the menopause and perimenopause, including hot flushes, night sweats, loss of libido, a change in periods and vaginal dryness.

  • Epilepsy - Living with

    Read advice about living with epilepsy, including information about controlling seizures, driving and planning a pregnancy.

  • Contraception

    Find out about the different methods of contraception, where to get them and how well they work at preventing pregnancy.

  • Where to get contraception

    Find out where you can get contraception for free on the NHS.