Search results for pain all over the body
Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.
An epidural is an injection in your back to stop you feeling pain in part of your body, commonly given for pain relief in childbirth and in some types of surgery.
Complex regional pain syndrome - Symptoms
Read about the symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). The main symptom is severe, continuous and debilitating pain. It usually affects one limb but can sometimes spread to other parts of the body.
Your post-pregnancy body
Tips and exercises to help you get back into shape after birth. Includes advice on diastasis recti (separated stomach muscles), how to ease back pain and safe exercises for the pelvic floor and stomach.
Rheumatoid arthritis - Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis mainly affects the joints, although it can cause problems in other parts of the body too.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
Find out about repetitive strain injury (RSI), including what the symptoms are, what causes it, what you can do to treat it and when to get medical help.
Common questions about naproxen
NHS medicines information on common questions about naproxen.
Common questions about diclofenac
NHS medicines information on common questions about diclofenac.
Common questions about paracetamol for adults
NHS medicines information on common questions about paracetamol.
Common questions about ibuprofen for children
NHS medicines information on common questions about ibuprofen for children.