Search results for testicular cancer
Testicular cancer
Find out about testicular cancer, including what the symptoms are, what to do if you think you have it, how it's treated and where to get support.
What is testicular cancer?
Find out what testicular cancer is, including who can get it.
Treatment for testicular cancer
Find out about the treatments for testicular cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Tests and next steps for testicular cancer
Find out how testicular cancer is diagnosed, including what tests you might need to have and how long it takes to get the results.
Symptoms of testicular cancer
Find out about the main symptoms of testicular cancer and when to get medical help.
Help and support for testicular cancer
Find out where to get help and support for testicular cancer from your specialist team and charities like Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support.
Causes of testicular cancer
Find out about who is most at risk of getting testicular cancer.