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Leatside Surgery

Babbage Road, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5JA

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  1. Review titled Chaos over contacts.

    Rated 3 stars out of 5

    by Robert Smith - Posted on 11 March 2023

    Methods of contacting this surgery are constantly changing, with movement from not ordering repeat prescriptions by computer (only ordering by post, in person, or by telephone) to not being able to order by telephone but being able to order by computer. From there means of contacting by computer have constantly changed, with no email address shown on the surgery website and reference to use of various computer programmes which are unknown to many of the numerous elderly patients. The surgery seems to be run by administrative staff without medical qualifications who feel qualified to decide whether or not patients actually need to speak to a doctor, and non emergency appointments with doctors taking many weeks to set up. Opening times did improve to include evenings amd Saturday mornings, but this seems to have changed yet again with no mention of such openings on the current website and no live response to telephone calls on Saturday mornings. We do indeed have excellent doctors, but we have a system now being run in interests of administrative convenience rather than care of patients, many of whom live in rural areas far from the surgery and some of who do not possess computers. Far from improvement, services have degenerated vastly from the old system of simply attending a surgery and waiting to see doctor.

    Visited March 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Leatside Surgery

    Replied on 13 March 2023

    To whom it may concern Thank you for your feedback, I am sorry to learn of your concerns. From reviewing your post I see that the concerns are in relation to the General Practice (GP) and therefore this would not fall under our Trust. You may wish to contact the pratice directly or speak with NHS England who deal with GP concerns. I have provided their contact details below: NHS EnglandPO Box 16738RedditchB97 9PT By email to: If you are making a complaint please state: ‘For the attention of the complaints team’ in the subject line. By telephone: 0300 311 22 33 Our opening hours are 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday, except Wednesdays when we open at the later time of 9.30am. We are closed on bank holidays. Many Thanks PALS

    Report as unsuitable

    Provided by Care opinion

Information supplied by Devon Partnership NHS Trust