Luton Arches Dental
425 High Street, Chatham, Kent, chatham, ME4 4NUContact details and opening times
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Review titled Great Receptionist
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by R Griffiths - Posted on 01 June 2023
I needed to organise a referral to the Maxillo Facial dept. at Medway Hosp. due to dropping off their patient list even though I have ongoing treatment with them. The receptionist was helpful and treated me respectfully & with empathy which calmed me down and booked an appointment with my Dentist so he can give me the "referral" I need, as although he's fully qualified to carry out the work, due to me having had radiotherapy through the jaw he's not allowed to. It has to be done in hospital due to possible complications
Visited June 2023
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