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Bramblys Grange Medical Practice

Dickson House, Crown Heights, Alencon Link, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 7AP

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  1. Review titled Failure to get an appointment

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 13 December 2024

    I phoned promptly at 8.30am to get an appointment, due to a back pain since a fall at home, but was met with a message saying they were fully booked (this is getting a more frequent event). I then phoned 111 as I needed advice/treatment right away. In future I may avoid calling the surgery & phone 111 first.

    Visited November 2024

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    Bramblys Grange Medical Practice has not yet replied.

  2. Review titled Failure to meet the needs of their patients

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Bridget Pearson - Posted on 29 October 2024

    Recently, I developed a chesty cough and was bringing up phlegm. I called my doctor at 10.30am but was met with an automated message that they were full to capacity. This happened two days in a row. They are also not offering eConsult and haven't been since 2023. According to the British Medical Association and National Health Service England, published in the "Investment and evolution: A five-year framework for GP contract reform to implement The NHS Long Term Plan", GP surgeries are required to provide: an online consultation tool a video consultation tool a secure electronic communication method an online facility to provide and update personal or contact information. None of these are available at Brambly's Grange Medical Practice. Appointments are 6 weeks in the future and no alternative ways of speaking to a general practitioner. I am stunned and appalled that they are accepting new patients when they are unable to provide help for the patients they have.

    Visited October 2024

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  3. Review titled Unable to get medical appointments

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 24 September 2024

    It is near impossible to get an appointment; when you call in you are usually over 30 in the queue and it's no better logging on to the NHS App waiting for appointments to be released as I did that yesterday at 10.25am and no GP appointments were released. How can they be taking on new patients when they can't offer a service to the ones they have. Please go back to pre-covid when surgeries actually saw patients and not just spoke to them over the phone.

    Visited September 2024

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  4. Review titled physio should not diagnose without xray

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 26 October 2024

    I had been to see the practice physiotherapist twice recently as I was unable to see a gp. issue was painful hips. Both times I was told I had a muscular issue, to do exercises and sent away. I knew something else was wrong and went private for an xray which showed grade 4 osteoarthritis in both hips. I have ended up having my left hip replaced using my husband's private health cover. Why don't you factor in an xray much earlier when a patient presents with intense hip pain as the issue would have been identified much sooner. This would have saved me more pain and if I'd stuck with nhs, I would have gone on the waiting list earlier and any surgery would have been less complex and thus cheaper. By the way, using an abbreviation for gp and for nhs in capital letters surely isn't considered a typo?! My first attempt to submit was refused because I'd typed gp in caps!

    Visited August 2024

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  5. Review titled Near Impossible to get a future Appointment

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by John G. - Posted on 04 July 2024

    I could not get a future Appointment today, either via the NHS app or telephone. The Practice has simply not reverted to the pre-Covid state of affairs - i.e. they do not allow you to book appointments online, and insist on you using the NHS app at 10.30am to book a future appointment. It them becomes a case of 'fastest finger first' to get the paltry few openings that become available (and very often none are made available, e.g. when they have staff on leave). To say it's frustrating would be an understatement. It feels like they just want to continue to keep the world at arm's length.

    Visited July 2024

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  6. Review titled Near impossible to get appointments

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Paul Dutton - Posted on 26 April 2024

    I needed an appointment so I rang the surgery. From being no 6 in the queue, It took 30 minutes to get through. They could not offer an appointment. I tried booking on line. At 10:30, when slots are released, there were 5 (!) available. All for the same day in 2 weeks time. So I picked one, and filled in my details. Pressed “book”, and reply was “sorry this has already been taken. Great, how the heck can that happen, do you let 2 people try the vacancy and quickest typing wins? Next day, 10:30, only 5 bookings available at each practice, again for two weeks time. I did manage to book one of them. My simple maths suggests the surgery budgets for 5 appointments a day. What am I missing? 111 and A&E would probably be interested too

    Visited April 2024

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    Bramblys Grange Medical Practice has not yet replied.