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Central Surgery

Corporation Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3SP

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Displaying 21 to 30 of 41

  1. Review titled ** Avoid **

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 23 May 2023

    I am frustrated by the difficulty I have encountered while attempting to schedule a doctor's appointment. On Thursday, May 18th, I had an emergency appointment that led to a referral to the A&E department. After my visit to the Coventry emergency department, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Now, I am trying to book a follow-up appointment with a doctor to discuss my condition, next steps, obtain a fit note for work, and explore options for a referral to private medical services. Over the past decade, I have rarely visited the medical practice, and from my perspective, the quality of patient standards and care has significantly declined. It should not be this challenging to arrange an appointment! Shambolic state of affairs.

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to book an appointment in advance. Currently these are booked/approved by the GPs. In order to meet the requirements of our contract patients should be offered an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, at first contact with the practice, this means patients should not be waiting in advance of that request. Where a follow up is needed, the GP will arrange this.

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Very poor service.

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 24 May 2023

    On 2 May I saw a nurse, she dealt with what she could and said she would make an appointment for me to see a Doctor for my other problem and would text me the details. Nothing received so made an Online request, got reply to say passed to the nurse that I saw previously to update me. Still nothing so phoned surgery to be told nurse had been on course but would be in the next day and receptionist said she would send a reminder to the nurse. Two days later still nothing so phoned again and receptionist said nurse cannot pre book appointments (how ridiculous) and I would have to call on the day. Why then did someone not tell me this earlier rather than leave me in the dark. This surgery has gone down hill.

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to book an appointment in advance. Currently these are booked/approved by the GPs. In order to meet the requirements of our contract patients should be offered an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, at first contact with the practice, this means patients should not be waiting in advance of that request. Where a follow up is needed, the GP will arrange this.

    Report as unsuitable

  3. Review titled Terrible

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 10 May 2023

    2 hours on hold on the phone to be put through to someone who couldn't answer my query. All I needed was a medical form to be signed. I have never had an actual appointment at this practice, since I am never sick and it's just as well!

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to access the practice via the phone system. Every available member of our reception team takes calls between 8:30 and 6:30 daily. We do not close for lunch. Our current phone system is in the process of being replaced by the NHS which will provide improved functionality such as call-back. This will prevent any patient waiting unnecessarily to get through.

    Report as unsuitable

  4. Review titled Not a good practice at all.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 23 May 2023

    Spent three hours on the phone trying to get an appointment, starting at number 50 to get down to number 2 and the phone was cut off. Rang twice again still stuck in a que, when i finally got through was told i would have to call back at 1pm as there were no appointments. Tried at 1pm stuck on the phone again for two and a half hours. Gave up. A rubbish service msnaged to get myself moved to another surgery.

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to access the practice via the phone system. Every available member of our reception team takes calls between 8:30 and 6:30 daily. We do not close for lunch. Our current phone system is in the process of being replaced by the NHS which will provide improved functionality such as call-back. This will prevent any patient waiting unnecessarily to get through.

    Report as unsuitable

  5. Review titled Mental health? Sorry not interested

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 17 May 2023

    Was told by one of the GP’s at central surgery that we were bad parents for not forcing our daughter who is 3 years old and suffers rather badly with anxiety, to take liquid antibiotics. She had no care that a 3 year old would vomit due to an anxiety attack brought on by taking medication. Seeing as the NHS’s big target at the minute is mental health, it astounds me they allow GP’s to operate when they have such poor people skills. Feel like most of them need to go on a human interaction course, it’s as if they aren’t human some times. This isn’t the only bad experience we’ve had with this surgery. Just one of the recent ones that sticks out to me the most. Can see why the Care Quality Commission have rated them inadequate. Will be moving GP’s at the earliest convenience.

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have felt the need to complain about your experience and given the information you have provided we would ask you to contact the practice to raise this as a formal complaint. Details are on our website.

    Report as unsuitable

  6. Review titled Very poor

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 31 May 2023

    I have had 4 phone calls to this practice in the last week trying to organise a prescription. I have made a complaint which has not been responded to. I was told a GP would call and this did not happen. I get told to phone tomorrow at 8am. But I have attempted to do this you have to phone multiple times (120 on one occasion) to even get a dialling tone. Staff communication and policies are not working. I will be moving practice and would suggest avoided at all costs.

    Visited May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have had difficulties in ordering a repeat prescription via the telephone system. We continue to encourage all patients to use the NHS App – the take up at the practice is not as good as our colleagues both in Rugby and Coventry; it takes literally seconds to order your prescription this way. If you need further information please check our website for useful links.

    Report as unsuitable

  7. Review titled Shambolic with a disregard for patients.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 20 June 2023

    I saw a doctor at the start of the year for a medical problem and was told I should come back if I started to get specific symptoms. When I started to get these symptoms I called the surgery and was on hold for 2 hours only to get cut off. I called back and after 1 hour 40 on hold the surgery closed. I went into the surgery to make an appointment only to be told appointments can no longer be booked in advance - you have to call on the day (not ideal for anyone who works). I was then sent by Central Surgery to see a nurse at another practice in the town who once I outlined my symptoms said I needed to see a doctor. Still haven't managed to see a doctor. I have been with this practice for 45 years and they now need closing down as not providing any level of care.

    Visited April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to access the practice via the phone system. Every available member of our reception team takes calls between 8:30 and 6:30 daily. We do not close for lunch. Our current phone system is in the process of being replaced by the NHS which will provide improved functionality such as call-back. This will prevent any patient waiting unnecessarily to get through. We are also sorry you have struggled to book an appointment in advance. Currently these are booked/approved by the GPs. In order to meet the requirements of our contract patients should be offered an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, at first contact with the practice, this means patients should not be waiting in advance of that request. Where a follow up is needed, the GP will arrange this.

    Report as unsuitable

  8. Review titled Dreadful service and practice

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 06 April 2023

    Rang at 8:30am just as everyone else in the town does to try and book an appointment. Waited an hour and 15 minutes for the receptionist to answer the call, and before I have said anything, screams "we have no available appointments left, sorry". I asked for what they have on alternative days and the receptionist abruptly put the phone down! Having waited for so long and unable to book an appointment, the only alternative - as their online services do not work/are not available - is to call again the following day, what a joke!

    Visited April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to access the practice via the phone system. Every available member of our reception team takes calls between 8:30 and 6:30 daily. We do not close for lunch. Our current phone system is in the process of being replaced by the NHS which will provide improved functionality such as call-back. This will prevent any patient waiting unnecessarily to get through.

    Report as unsuitable

  9. Review titled Disappointing

    Rated 3 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 May 2023

    I've had to visit the surgery a few times over the course of the year and every time it's the same problem... on hold for ages trying to get an appointment! When you do get through (if you're lucky enough not to be cut off by the time you get to the front of the queue) there are some very rude and unhelpful individuals on reception. The health care professionals by contrast are friendly, professional and really take the time to listen to their patients. From midwives, to nurse practitioners and GPs. Both myself and my baby have recieved excellent care, once through the door. Also frustrating that the website is not up and running properly. I need to get some test results and it would be so much easier if I could access them online, rather than having to wait in yet another telephone queue!

    Visited April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have struggled to access the practice via the phone system. Every available member of our reception team takes calls between 8:30 and 6:30 daily. We do not close for lunch. Our current phone system is in the process of being replaced by the NHS which will provide improved functionality such as call-back. This will prevent any patient waiting unnecessarily to get through.

    Report as unsuitable

  10. Review titled Frustrating service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 April 2023

    I rang for the 3rd time (twice last week and today) to yet a appt or even a phone appt for an on going problem I've had since start of Dec. Even after loads I'd tests and a referral thats stuck in the system. I can't see my normal gp practice. I'm sick yet again and I've had enough. I've been given a out of hours appt at a practice that's not even local in 3 day time...I'm grateful I have this appt. But I'd rather see my local gp and have it documented

    Visited April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Central Surgery

    Replied on 14 August 2023

    We are sorry you have felt it difficult to book an appointment at the practice. The team at Central Surgery are booking every available appointment throughout each day and they are committed to ensuring that patients who need to be seen are. There is a facility for patients who are ‘urgent’ for today to be seen but when appointments have been booked you will be offered an alternative appointment with the Enhanced Access team, which may be located at an alternative practice or a community pharmacist.

    Report as unsuitable