Finchampstead Practice
The Finchampstead Surgery, 474-478 Finchampstead Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3RGContact details and opening times
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Review titled Unfollow up patient
by Anonymous - Posted on 06 September 2024
I have been visited this GP end of July and needed referral to have physiotherapy, however until today (6 Sep) nobody contact my case. I tried to call them but they said they can't do anything, they have done their part, my pain getting worse and worse. Feel neglected and helpless.
Visited July 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 10 September 2024
Dear Anonymous I am sorry that you are unhappy with the delay in your referral. You have not given your details so I am unable to check what is happening. If you have been referred to a hospital there is a waiting list and we have no control over this. The surgery has an inhouse MSK team that you can book to see if this is appropriate. Thank you Julie Murphy - Practice Manager
Review titled Good use of healthcare professional in surgery
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 13 July 2024
Finchampstead Surgery provided a speedy and very useful response to my issue, by referring me to another healthcare professional within the surgery, who I saw at the surgery a week later - a specialist muscular skeletal physio, I was impressed with the short waiting time, and the physio's ability to diagnosis quickly and confidently. Excellent service from Finchampstead Surgery
Visited July 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 16 July 2024
Thank you for your review and for taking the time to write and submit it onto this site. We are very pleased to hear that you had a good experience and that the inhouse MSK team were able to provide you with such a good service. I will pass your comments onto the whole team and thank you again for leaving us a review. Julie Murphy Practice Manager
Review titled Bad start - obnoxious manners
by Gerald Pontet - Posted on 04 July 2024
After 25 years with the same practice, I was forced to register with a this practice after I moved. I was concerned because friends and neighbours had warned me of the attitude of the receptionists, and after enjoying a very good relationship with my previous GP, I was a little anxious. I then read a few Google reviews and other reviews on this NHS review portal which only made me more anxious. I filled out the Online registration and submitted it and received a request to send proof of ID to a given email address which I did. I then immediately received what I can only describe as an incredibly obnoxious, unnecessarily rude automatic reply from them telling me they are far too busy dealing with patients and answering phones to respond to emails sent to that address and that I should resend my email to a different email address which I have done, and again I received maybe not as obnoxious, but a completely unfriendly and snotty automatic response from them. This demonstrates either an utterly dismissive and uncaring attitude towards their patients, or a complete lack of manners and capability to construct polite and courteous responses to their patients. It also endorses everything I have heard and read about them. I'm now filled with woe and anxiety about what I will have to deal with. I have saved copies of their automatic replies should anyone wish to make an enquiry. I just cannot understand why a practice dealing with not only physical health but mental health should behave in such a high-handed unkind, confrontational way.
Visited July 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 09 July 2024
Dear Mr Pontet I am very sorry that you have had to write such a negative review about our surgery. We are very surprised and hope that once you attend our surgery you will have a more positive attitude towards us. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and approachable surgery and I am very sorry that your initial impression of us has failed to show this. Google reviews are NOT verified, and we have found a lot of them to be from fake accounts and from names that have never been shown as being patients at our surgery. We have 18400 patients and have been sending out text messages to patients with mobile numbers after they have had an appointment at the surgery. In May and June 820 patients replied back to a text and 96% highly rated us. We do not like having a small number that we have failed and will always listen to criticism and advice on how to improve our service. We always try to acknowledge an email, most of the time this is with an automatic response. Anyone emailing us can then be reassured that we have received their email. We are sorry you were unhappy with the wording on our response. We have never had a complaint about this before but will look into reviewing our wording. I note that you are now fully registered with us, and you should have received our welcome text. I hope moving forward you will find us a caring and professional surgery. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact me or your registered GP at the surgery. Julie Murphy Practice Manager
Review titled Really positive experience!
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Laura - Posted on 10 July 2024
After not needing to visit for some time, I have had three visits to the practice in the last two month’s, seeing a physicians associate, a paramedic and a nurse. All of whom were caring, compassionate and professional, thank you for putting me at ease! All appointments were running on time and check in was an easy experience.
Visited June 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 16 July 2024
Dear Laura Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback on this site for our surgery. It is greatly appreciated. We are so glad to hear of your positive experiences at the surgery. I have shared your response with the team, and thank you again for sharing your feedback with us. Julie Murphy Practice Manager
Review titled New to the surgery - Very Disappointing Reception Staff
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 09 May 2024
Attended the surgery with an appointment for my 14-month-old. I arrived on time and there was a queue at the front desk so I joined the queue to check in. Once I arrived at the front desk I was rudely greeted by your reception staff who could barely even give eye contact and look up from the screen, I was then told I was late and it was likely my child would not be able to be seen. I was 12 mins late due to waiting in the queue (which your staff member was well aware of) I was told I should have checked in on the screen. I was not made aware of this procedure and as a new patient to the surgery, bearing in mind there is a queue, maybe they should have let people know the procedure is to self-check-in? I explained I was late due to waiting in the queue as they had seen and the appointment was important for my young child. They then very rudely went back to the screen whilst I waited (they gave very little communication and I was left standing there in silence not knowing if I was going to be seen or not) and I was then told I could still be seen and to take a seat. On the other hand, the doctor we had an appointment with was great! But it's so disappointing you have such rude, unhelpful staff at reception. To be potentially denied an appointment with a sick child from waiting in the reception queue for 12mins which your staff was well aware of, this type of person should not work at a doctor's surgery! As your front of house, this represents you as a surgery, it's the first person your patients see and has contact with. So disappointing and to be honest it's quite disgusting behaviour. I have never felt the need to write a review before for something like this but I feel so strongly about what happened. I hope you take this feedback into account and review the staff you put front of house to represent your surgery.
Visited May 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 13 May 2024
Dear Anonymous Thank you for your feedback. I am very sorry that you had such a bad experience at our surgery. It is very unusual to have a long queue at our reception desk, I am sorry that this was the case for you and that you felt the receptionist you dealt with was less than friendly and helpful. We have addressed this issue with the whole of our Reception Team. Usually if there is more than one person waiting the receptionist at the desk will ask for help. We have two check- in screens in our reception area, they are both next to our reception desk and clearly visible. I am sorry that you did not see these. We have asked our receptionist to remind anyone they see queuing that the screens are available for them to do this. Our reception staff would only request that a patient arriving late rebooks at the instruction of a clinician. They will always ask the clinician if it is possible for a patient to still be seen. I am sure you appreciate that we must work with timed appointments. We are aware that there are circumstances that lead to someone being late and will always try to accommodate. If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of our management team. Thank you. Julie Murphy Practice Manager
Review titled Confident with the practice
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by C Fry - Posted on 13 May 2024
Very surprised with the several negative reviews as I have always found, both on the phone and at Reception Desk, the reception staff to be very helpful, professional and at the same time friendly. The receptionist this morning for instance, said she would pop round to the pharmacy and let them know I would like my prescription delivered to my home. Bearing in mind the constant business of the practice I think this is extremely kind. There are always two sides to every story. Respect, kindness and understanding doesn't cost anything and taking a deep breath and counting to 10 is a useful tool. Life's too short for animosity!
Visited May 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 09 July 2024
Dear C Fry Thank you very much for taking the time to give us such positive feedback. I apologise for the delay in replying to your review. Our Reception Team are growing in numbers as the local population increases and they aim to answer all requests and questions in a timely manner and give the correct advise. It is very kind of you to acknowledge their hard work. I have made sure that the whole of our team are aware of the good job they are doing and again, thank you for your review Julie Murphy Practice Manager
Review titled Shambolic practice
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 24 January 2024
This surgery is so incompetent terrible receptionist who breach data protection when speaking so loudly the whole of the waiting room can hear every detail appoints are so late meaning if you have to see more than one clinician you are missing one appointment so then have to spend the day waiting to be seen
Visited January 2024
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 25 January 2024
Dear Anonymous We are extremely shocked and upset at your comment and very sorry that you have felt the need to publish such a scathing review without speaking to us first. We accept that our reception desk is in an ‘open area’ and have notices advising that anyone can ask to speak to a member of the team away from the reception desk. Unfortunately, due to the nature of General Practice is that sometimes a clinician will run late. Please be assured that if it is you that needed extra time to discuss a medical issue or bereavement it would be given. We hope further contacts you have with our surgery result in a positive experience. Kind regards Julie Murphy. Practice Manager
Review titled Responsive and Respectful
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Kim - Posted on 29 January 2024
When I attended Bracknell Healthspace for a blood test, their computer systems were down so I needed a hard copy of my blood test letter. I called Finchampstead Surgery who promptly answered and agreed to email me the letter - this happened straight away. I was able to print it and have my test. I am very grateful for being cared for under this surgery. Thank you to all the respectful and patient staff.
Visited November 2023
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 01 February 2024
Dear Kim Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear that we were able to help and you did not need to rebook your appointment, Thank you for your commenting that you are well cared for by our our surgery and that we are respectful and patient, this is greatly appreciated and I will share your review with all of the staff Kind regards Julie Murphy - Practice Manager
Review titled Exemplary practice
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Jane - Posted on 24 October 2023
This month has presented us with complex health issues; at every stage - from receptionist to appointments with the doctors and nurses at Finchampstead Surgery, we have been helped promptly, efficiently and compassionately. Many thanks.
Visited October 2023
Review titled Finchampstead Practice
Replied on 25 October 2023
Dear Jane Thank you for feedback and for the taking the time to leave such a positive review. It is great to hear that we have all provided you with a exemplary service and your comments have been passed to the whole team. Kind regards Julie Murphy - Practice Manager