Grove House Surgery
Soothill Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 5SSContact details and opening times
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Review titled Poor appointment availability
Rated 3 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 15 November 2024
Visited the surgery and saw the GP and was told by the doctor to make a follow up appointment within 7-10 days. I phoned the surgery and as always no pre bookable appointments. Checked online again no appointments. Was told by the receptionist to call on the day at 8. When you call on the day you are waiting for along time to get through. This is stressful and as a carer you have little time. I can’t understand why you can’t pre book appointments a week or 3 days before. Or there should be more appointments available online . If a doctor advises a follow up appointment is needed it should be available when requested. This is not a new problem at the surgery and I hope booking appointments can be reviewed as it is stressful for all patients when they only want an appointment because they are unwell and this is anxiety inducing.
Visited November 2024
Review titled Grove House Surgery
Replied on 18 November 2024
Dear Patient, thank you for your feedback without which we cannot improve our service. I am sorry to hear about your difficulties in booking a review appointment with the GP as this is usually something we do facilitate. I will discuss it with the Patient Services Team in order to understand the reasons why you were unable to do so on this occasion. I take your point about calling in at 8am, which is why we have introduced a call back system. When patients call the surgery you will be offered the option to receive a call back. It keeps your place in the queue and when you reach the front of the queue a member of the patient services team will call you back. Pre bookable appointments both online and in person are available up to 2 weeks in advance. Appointment availability is staggered at 14, 10, 7, 5,3 & 1 day intervals. Demand for pre bookable appointments is high and they can get booked quickly. This is the reason why we stagger the appointment release dates so that patients who do not have access to the online system are not disadvantaged as a result. We would ask that if an appointment is unavailable at a particular time and date that you continue to check in every day/other day as more appointments will be released. We are constantly reviewing the demand for online appointments and amending the numbers as the demand rises. I would be interested in hearing about your previous issues and maybe when you are next in the surgery ask to see the practice manager or alternatively, if you call the surgery on 01924 476363 and ask for a call back from me, referencing my response as the reason. Kind Regards Dawn Beadle
Review titled Appointments
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 02 September 2024
It is impossible to get an appointment online with my GP and I've been trying for weeks. Why is only 1 week's appointments at a time available to see?
Visited September 2024
Review titled Grove House Surgery
Replied on 02 October 2024
Dear Patient, Thank you for your taking time to provide feedback on your experience on booking online appointments. Online GP appointments are released over a 14,10,7,5,3 and 1 day period. All nurse and healthcare assistant appointments are bookable online. They are extremely popular and do get booked up very fast. If you cannot see an appointment available on a specific day then please do try again as appointments do open up once they reach their release dates mentioned above. For information, we have reviewed our whole appointment system and from 7th October 2024 we will have 70% of GP appointments bookable online I am happy to discuss this further if you wish. If you wish to do so, please call into the surgery and ask to speak to the Practice Manager or alternatively call the surgery on 01924 476363 to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time. Once again, thank you for your feedback as without it we cannot improve our service to you. Dawn Beadle Practice Manager
Review titled Appt
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Jayne Walker - Posted on 14 August 2024
Had appt cancelled no further apps available for 2 weeks . Called to collect a form to go to the hospital and Karen HCA offered to do the test for there and then. Thankyou Karen really appreciated 👏
Visited August 2024
Review titled Grove House Surgery
Replied on 15 August 2024
Dear Karen, I am sorry that we had to cancel your appointment at short notice due to staff illness. Karen had some spare capacity at the time of your arrival and I am glad that you were offered an appointment. I will let Karen know that you appreciated her seeing you.
Review titled So bad. So so so so so bad.
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 24 June 2024
They just outright ignore my repeat prescription requests for weeks on end to the point where I run out and still hear nothing from them until, days after running out, I get a really snarky text from the receptionist that still doesn't tell me when my medication is getting processed. Definitely avoid if you can help it/actually want to ever get your medication on time.
Visited June 2024
Review titled Grove House Surgery
Replied on 24 June 2024
Dear Patient, I am the Practice Manager and would like to thank you for taking time to comment on your recent experience without which we cannot improve. I am sorry to hear about the issues with your medication and would like to understand what has gone wrong on this occasion. If you would be willing to come into the surgery so that we can discuss it further in hope that we can avoid the same issue next time you order. If you would like to take me up on the offer please call the surgery and ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
Review titled Accessibility
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 23 May 2023
This has been my GP surgery for many years and I am generally very satisfied with the swift appointments available and the service of care given my the clinicians and GPS. What I would like to bring to attention is the accessibility in this surgery. Recently due to mobility issues I have had to attend the surgery with both crutches and on a wheelchair a few times. Although there is step free access and a lift, my issue is with the doors on this route. Both the external and the second internal door are very old style push/pull doors which are also quite stiff and heavy. They also close back quite quickly so to stop them from closing back in you just as soon as you’ve opened them I had to hold them open with my body. I realise this is quite an outdated and troublesome system. I would expect the doors to be automatic or at least power or push button assisted for those with any accessibility or mobility issues.
Visited May 2023
Review titled Grove House Surgery
Replied on 20 November 2023
Thank you for your positive feedback which is always welcomed. As you know the surgery is an old building and in need of some modernisation. We do have a schedule of works that we intend completing over the next 5 years. The lift replacement, our first major works project has now been completed and front entrance doorways will be replaced within the next 12 months. If you do need any assistance in the meantime please press the buzzer and a member of staff will be happy to assist.