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Hall Grove Group Practice

4 Hall Grove, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 4PL

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  1. Review titled Sadly has deteriorated

    Rated 3 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 30 April 2023

    It seems that this surgery is now run for the benefit of the doctors, not the patients. Before Covid, blood tests could be done here, & staff & doctors were easily accessible. I've not had a face to face appointment since before Covid - now I need a blood test ( do everything online they say , not convenient for oldies like me ) & a medication review, which I can't have until I've had the blood test - oh & when you call to make the review appointment you'll be required to tell your weight, & blood pressure! This surgery doesn't offer Covid vaccines & boosters (nearest are over 10 miles away ), I can't drive anymore, & can't afford taxis everywhere. The national health service in general needs a huge overhaul, plus making local patients the main priority for GP surgeries. It should be easier to get the basic things done at one's GP surgery - no Covid vaccine facilites, but they'll do holiday jabs & the like. And the e-Consult is too impersonal. No wonder people complain that our doctors don't know us anymore. They have become too detached from their patients, & forget that like with other big organisations are there to serve us.

    Visited April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Hall Grove Group Practice

    Replied on 02 May 2023

    We put a lot of effort into trying to provide the best service we can with the resources we have available. We are very sorry that you have not been happy recently. It seems that some of your comments are a misunderstanding or out of our control. We do still offer blood tests at the surgery. These have always been run by the local phlebotomy service. They do a session at Parkway surgery on Friday mornings. Booking slots for QE2 phlebotomy is run by the QE2 hospital. We have no control over their appointments system. There is a phone number you can call if you can’t use the online system. We do offer Covid Booster vaccinations for the current national booster programme. Dr Shah has been doing them on Tuesday mornings at Parkway Surgery. You are correct that our nurses also run a range of other services, such as Travel clinic, Contraception, COPD reviews and Menopause. Whenever a patient makes an appointment to be seen they are asked whether they would like a face to face appointment or telephone. The emergency same day service is phone call first, and we will see everyone in person who needs to be seen. Due to the lack of GP’s nationally NHS England enables us to employ pharmacists instead. They do work such as routine medication reviews. These are mostly phone based but you can ask to be seen face to face if you prefer. Most people have scales at home and most people on blood pressure medications have BP machines as well nowadays. For anyone that doesn’t we have machines in the waiting rooms at Hall Grove and Parkway that you can use. You are correct that we use econsults to enable us to send questions to/arrange appointments with the most appropriate person. We do continue to have a named doctors list - letters from patients and consultants go to a patient’s named GP unless they are away. If you would like to give further in-put please can you contact our Patient Participation Group (PPG).

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Rude receptionist

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 03 October 2023

    Rang to enquire about a prescription that I will need and the receptionist was very blunt to me, I was on asking a question It's stated on signs don't be rude to staff "well it works both ways

    Visited March 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Hall Grove Group Practice

    Replied on 03 October 2023

    Indeed it does. Please contact the practice manager to let them know what happened. We can't take action if we don't know any details. Thank you.

    Report as unsuitable