Heworth Green Surgery
45 Heworth Green, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 7SXContact details and opening times
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Review titled Shocking contact system
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 09 July 2024
It is becoming increasingly impossible to get in touch with this medical group. Being forced into using the terrible automated system causes risk. The last time I tried to speak to them I was given a 6-8 week call back time as my condition was not considered serious. Yet a simple triage of my records would have noted I have chronic asthma - so reporting a chest infection you would have thought would prompt some form of priority. Also no. In the end I had to call a private medical service. They were hugely concerned and managed to get me a prescription. I went into the surgery to complain about the service. A passing doctor (he was a locum so had a soul) overheard and agreed to see me. He agreed with the private telephone consultation and stated that if the medicines did not improve my condition within a matter of days I was to return with the potential outcome of being admitted to hospital such was the impact the infection was having on my lungs. So my view of Priory is not positive. I am now trying to contact them to resolve another prescription issue as medicines are missing from my repeat prescription (suddenly disappeared) and guess what ... the service is even worse to contact them. I have tried for over 90 minutes to contact them with the same response 'our lines are busy call back later' and then the call is disconnected. Shockingly bad service from what was a very good practice 5 years ago.
Visited July 2024
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Review titled Totally Defunct Appointment System
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Barbara - Posted on 15 May 2024
I attempted to make an appointment in March to be informed by text that my symptoms were not serious and I would have to wait for 4-6 weeks for a Dr. to call me on the 'phone and assess whether or not I qualified for a face to face appointment. I waited 8 weeks for the promised call only to be informed (again by text) the day before the expected call which was scheduled scheduled for sometime in the afternoon, that the call was now being rescheduled for a weeks time in the morning. This means that if the call does actually take place I will have waited 9 weeks to discuss over the telephone why after breaking my kneecap in December and wearing a splint for 8 weeks it is still causing me a lot of pain. This level of service is unacceptable.
Visited March 2024
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