Medicus Health Partners - Connaught
144 Hedge Lane, London, N13 5STContact details and opening times
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Review titled Worst service
Rated 1 star out of 5
by TSC - Posted on 03 October 2024
Absolutely Never had a normal/positive experience where the surgery said prescription has been sent and the pharmacy and the pharmacy have actually received it. Everytime the surgery says to collect medicines from pharmacy, even when medicines are critical to start immediately as per the doctor, we make our way to pharmacy with ailing child, frail elderly etc, and the pharmacy says No it has not been sent. So call the surgery again, go through the pain of their extremely inefficient telephone system only to be told they will call back. Not knowing what to do or how long to wait, you have to leave pharmacy empty handed. Call back again and only to find out they had forgotten to send it and now it will be sent. Again travel to the pharmacy and the answer is the same, call the surgery, and after 2 – 3 times of this loop, and painful back and forth, only then its received and medicines given. This is the scenario Everytime. I have Never had a normal service. And the pharmacy confirms that this is the case with most of Connaught patients.
Visited October 2024
Medicus Health Partners - Connaught has not yet replied.
Review titled Poor line of communication
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Meena - Posted on 09 July 2024
I have tried to call the GP for an emergency appointment instead of talking to a receptionist it was the automated service which was painful and stressful to use.
Visited July 2024
Medicus Health Partners - Connaught has not yet replied.