Oakeswell Health Centre
Brunswick Park Road, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 9HPContact details and opening times
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Review titled Appointments
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Carla Hall - Posted on 18 November 2024
I’ve been calling for a routine appointment for my Daughter who generally needs to be seen. I didn’t want to use an urgent as I thought it could have waited. When calling I was told multiple times that appointments were being released the following week, so I’ve called when being told to, to be told that all appointments have been taken and to call back the following week. After this has gone on for 3 weeks it has now turned into an urgent appointment and yet still can’t get one. I tried calling at 1 o’clock and phone was full to capacity, so I’ve gone up there and taken time off work to try and book an appointment, for the receptionist to call over the counter sorry all appointments have been taken, this was at 1.08 pm. Then I’ve called 111 who had said that she needed to be seen and had booked me an appointment with my GP practice, I did however tell him that my practice has not got any appointments, for him to tell me that they hold some back. After my call, my phone started to ring and it was my GP practice. Me thinking that was quick and very happy that they was calling, for them to say sorry we don’t have any appointments left. Honestly I really don’t know which way to turn!!
Visited November 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 20 November 2024
Dear Mrs Hall, I am very sorry for your experience whilst trying to book your daughter an appointment. I am glad to see that she has now been seen by a GP. For future information and If you are able, you can send in an online triage request via our practice website which is reviewed and triaged within 3 working days, this is a non urgent service for situations such as yours. I hope this information helps. If you do wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Review titled Appointment diary
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Leigh Richardson - Posted on 18 June 2024
I received a letter advising I book for vaccines. I visited the reception in person to make a booking on the 18th of June 2024, and was advised by the receptionist that their diary for July 2024 wasn't available and to try again next week.
Visited June 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 15 August 2024
Hi Lee, The information provided to you at this time was correct. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the surgery to arrange a meeting with the practice manager.
Review titled Worst surgery
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Taz - Posted on 08 February 2024
Call at 8am caller number 5 don't get through till after 9am to be told that they at capacity. So you only had 5 appointments available for the day? What kind of joke is this?
Visited February 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 15 February 2024
Dear patient, We do not only accept requests for appointments via telephone, we also have people at the reception desk wishing to book appointments. As you have not left your full name I am unable to look into this further or contact you to discuss. Please contact us on 0121 505 0200 if you wish to discuss.
Review titled Ridiculous phone service
Rated 1 star out of 5
by P Lyndon - Posted on 20 February 2024
Having tried at 09.30 to get an appointment the system kick me off as all lines were full. Then tried again at 10.00 got through and was number 10 in the queue after 10 mins got to number 8 where I stayed for over 1 hr gave up and called again at 12.30 once again got to number 8 in the queue which I stayed at for over 40 mins without any movement. Finally got through at 14.15 and managed to get an appointment. Can you please advise how your telephone system works and how come no phone calls were answered for over 1hr
Visited February 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 22 February 2024
Dear Mrs Lyndon, I would like to offer you my sincere apologies in regards to the issues you had when trying to book an appointment. As you left your name I was able to contact our phone provider for more information and can see that there was a longer than expected wait to speak with a member of staff. We have identified an issue that day and have resolved this now. Once again I hope you will accept our apologies and are reassured that we have looked into this for you. Best Wishes Oakeswell Health Centre
Review titled Worrying
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Holli Payne - Posted on 03 March 2024
This week my 5 year old son became unwell on Wednesday at 8am I started to call. What has happened to the phone lines I appreciate you are busy but I kept getting told at queue positions 1 that your phone line was at capacity and the line cuts off?! Could only get a phone appointment I would expect children at least be seen face to face? My son has suspected tonsillitis and the GP prescribed antibiotics. On Friday morning after 48 hrs of antibiotics my son seemed worse again I experienced the same issue with the phone line and when I did get through I was told no appointments. I rang 111 my son had a phone assessment and was given an emergency appointment with you. We saw a male locum! I didn't get his name, worrying that all he did was check my son's throat and prescribed a different antibiotic, no temperature taken did not check is neck ears listen to his chest. I say all this because my son could hardly breath was complaining of a sore throat and ear his neck was swollen and had raging temperatures which I was trying to manage with ibuprofen and calpol. Saturday morning I made the decision to bring my 5 year old son to A&E at sandwell as he just wasn't right, I am currently sat on lynden 1 while he is be treated for severe tonsillitis which has spread and being treated for sepsis. To say I'm very unhappy is an understatement I trusted your GP's to look after my son, thankfully I known my child and got him checked out at the hospital because goodness knows what would have happened if I didn't. I will be calling in to discuss this further once he is home and well
Visited February 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 21 March 2024
Dear Mrs Payne, Firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in getting an appointment. We were experiencing an issue with with our phone line where it was not allowing patients to hold on the line. This is now resolved. I am sorry that the you feel the care received was not as expected and am glad to see that your Son has now received follow up appointments. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the surgery on 0121 505 0200 and request to speak with the practice manager.
Review titled Great GP surgery
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Belinda - Posted on 09 January 2024
Such a friendly environment. Always helpful over the phone and at the counter. Can always manage to get an appointment face to face or over the phone. Never have problems, can’t complain one bit
Visited January 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 11 January 2024
Dear Belinda, Many thanks for this wonderful review. We are continuously trying to improve our service so your feedback is very important to us. Take care, Oakeswell Health Centre
Review titled Very rude
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 30 January 2024
Used this surgery for 30 years and the office staff have no manners what so ever, felt embarrassed that I was asked for private and confidential information infront of waiting customers and then spoken to very rudely and sarcastic today whilst collecting something from reception. Waiting customers was shocked and commented how I was spoken to. Very rude indeed.
Visited January 2024
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 30 January 2024
Good afternoon, We are very sorry to hear about your experience however as you have posted anonymously it is difficult for us to address the situation with the relevant staff members. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the surgery on 0121 505 0200. Many thanks
Review titled Not impressed
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Tina Hines - Posted on 01 September 2023
Ordered repeat prescription Aug 25th, still waiting 7 days later, rang this morning waited 40 mins, told to ring later to make sure they signed off, called later was caller number 1 for over an hour ! I have no meds left as of today, I ordered in good time, which causes me problems if I don't have them, I explained to the receptionist it causes me comfatouble pain if I don't have them, that was the first call, I insisted I need today due to it being the weekend, was told my doctor was off ! why cant another doctor sign off they have previously? supposed to be 3 days max wait for repeat ...il prob have a weekend feeling terrible !! which may cause further issues in the future, not good practice at all for a medical centre!! I was told as I had left a note asking for another medication it had to be cleared by my doctor that's fine il wait for that just sign the repeat meds off or contact me !! simple !! but its apparently not.... so now awaiting whether I can get my repeat meds today Friday before the weekend......im not confident at all .... i guess i can hope ...
Visited September 2023
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 04 September 2023
Dear Tina, I would like to offer our sincere apologies for the delay in getting your prescription signed. I'm unsure what caused the delay but have checked and ensured your prescription was available for you on the Friday. All feedback is appreciated and we will be sure to discuss this to make sure it doesn't happen again. If you would like to discuss this further then please do not hesitate to contact us and request a meeting with the practice manager. Once again, please accept our apologies. Regards, Oakeswell Health Centre
Review titled Good Practice
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 19 July 2023
Staff always polite and try their best to get appointments for you Dr's are reassuring and professional and offer a good phone appointments.
Visited July 2023
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 20 July 2023
Dear Anonymous Many thanks for this lovely review. I'm glad you have received good service and I will be sure to share your comments with all staff members. Regards, Oakeswell Health Centre
Review titled Reception staff (1 member) needs lesson in customer care
Rated 4 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 23 June 2023
Big mess up today with my sons prescription. Spoke to same receptionist twice and got nothing more ghan eye rolling and abruptness. When you are with your child with additional needs its not the best
Visited June 2023
Review titled Oakeswell Health Centre
Replied on 29 June 2023
Dear Anonymous, We are very sorry for your experience and for the mix up with your child's prescription. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact us on 0121 505 0200 to arrange an appointment with the practice manager. Many thanks