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Park Road Surgery

Park Road, Off Manchester Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 0SG

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  1. Review titled Bad service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 03 December 2024

    They took so long time to pick up a call, crazy. There is no message saying to leave our number ao they can call back. So it made me keep calling them. When finally picked up (a woman voice out there) , I explained my sickness, i have headache, my body feel aching (joint and muscles), coughing, fever, and wanna make appointment wirh doctor, and she said there's nothing to do with doctor, just go to pharmacy. Maybe she think I got covid, but then I said how do I know thats why i need to meet doctor to check. Then she said i check to pharmacy, which i need to buy the rapid test, not free. Then I asked what next after tested, if its positive, stay at home, take medication from pharmacy. Even when its negative, i should go to pharmacy for have medication. She said no need to meet doctor, just go pharmacy. Hey i have to spend money if I go to pharmacy, not free. So what's the health insurance are for?? I was so disappointed. I think the right step is doctor analyze and make diagnose, then give prescription for medicines, then patient go to pharmacy. How come we come to pharmacy without knowing what is the illnes exactly we had. Not all medications is suitable for everyone, because some people has different blood/body condition. Pharmacy will suggest product because they sell product and it make sense. But we never know the product is the proper one or not for us. Who will reaponsible id something wrong happen after taking that medication?? I paid health insurance but how come I couldn't do consultation with doctor.

    Visited December 2024

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    Review titled Park Road Surgery

    Replied on 07 March 2025

    Thank you for taking the time to feedback. We are aware that people are having to queue on the phone for longer than we would like and we are currently in the process of trying to change our phone system so that we will have the call back facility. If all goes well we should have that service in place some time in March. With regards to your concerns with accessing a COVID test, this work has been taken completely out of GP practices, we don’t have access to tests, so you will need to contact your pharmacy, and it may be you need to pay, currently only people with certain conditions are eligible for free tests. Please check with the NHS website to see if you are eligible. It would seem from your feedback that you believe the GP should be the first port of call for all requests, which is simply not the case at the moment. (There is a lot of public information available regarding the way we are being asked to work at the moment which you can find if you search for “Modern General Practice”). We have well publicised shortages of GPs and Practice Nurses and we are training other sorts of clinical staff to deal with the issues they safely can – which for winter infections/virus symptoms includes our pharmacy colleagues. The service (which only covers specific conditions and symptoms) includes ways to refer back to the GP if it is not something that they can deal with safely. So, our trained care navigator receptionists will talk to you about what you need an appointment to deal with and point you in the right direction to get the care you need at the right time, specifically recognising that a GP is not always the best first port of call. These are professional people who will not be recommending a course of action simply to add to their income. I’m a little confused by the mention of health insurance – we are a fully NHS practice and so your paid for health insurance does not impact at all on our services. There are private GP’s in Yorkshire if you would prefer to go down the health insurance route but we are not able to recommend a specific service. I hope this goes someway to addressing your concerns but if you have any further questions regarding your specific situation then please contact the surgery directly (either Jo Harris, Practice Manager or in her absence me). Kind regards, Fiona Purdie Business Manager

    Report as unsuitable