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Riverside Medical Practice

Hobart House, St Georges Wharf, Wandsworth Road, London, Greater London, SW8 2JB

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  1. Review titled Awful service!

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 30 May 2024

    I requested support and require to complete a form and told it would take a week for a response. I have a housemate who require doctors attention regularly and actively try’s to not contact doctors because of the poor service. Lack of call backs, call back at inappropriate times. You miss it and you have to start the process again. We’re both hoping to find another surgery. I’m shocked to find this over subscribed surgery still accepting new patients! You’ll never get an appointment here

    Visited May 2024

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 04 June 2024

    Dear patient Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I am very sorry to hear of the difficulties your housemate is experiencing with appointment bookings. I can only assume the form you are referring to is an eConsult which would be triaged almost immediately, following which, if urgent contact with a patient was needed, this would be passed to the team and the patient would be contacted on the day. I am not aware of the circumstances around this review as it is has been left anonymously but I would really appreciate the opportunity to discuss this. If your housemate wishes to contact me directly I would be happy to investigate this. Thank you Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Reliable

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 02 January 2024

    Have been with riverside for around 6/7 years now. Have always found them generally helpful and responsive and been referred or given additional medicine when required. The merger and covid did mean there was a period where it was difficult to get an appointment but i feel things have improved now. The staff are usually all friendly and helpful

    Visited January 2024

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 02 January 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you for the valued feedback. I am very pleased to hear that you have noted the improvements. We continue to strive for patient satisfaction so your kind comments are very much appreciated. I will be sure to share your comments with the team and I hope you continue to feel positive about the service. Kind regards Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager Hurley & Riverside Practices

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  3. Review titled So sorry to see a good practice go bad.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 25 August 2023

    Been with the surgery for forty years, but of late it's gone so far down hill it's unrecognisable. Try to get any useful response is pretty unlikely. The new triage system leaves you unsure of what is going on and if you ring to get help the staff are dismissive to the point of being rude. What happened to the cradle to the grave care system. God help us.

    Visited August 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 26 August 2023

    Dear patient Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. As the new manager I would really like to discuss this with you and find out what went wrong for you on this occasion. Unfortunately as your review was anonymous I am unable to investigate this unless you wish to make direct contact with me. I am very sorry that you have had this experience and ask that you contact me directly as soon as possible to discuss this further. I hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager

    Report as unsuitable

  4. Review titled Horrible GP

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by MaGa - Posted on 01 November 2023

    The kindest way to think about this practice is that they might have registered way more people they can handle. Which is not an excuse. More than 2 weeks to get a phone appointment. They ask you to set up a call and then they call you with more than 2 hours from the original scheduled time. What is worst, they do not apologise: it is normal, the doctor is busy doing other people. It is just how it works. Prescriptions forms from hospital are not actioned, despite telling you "leave this with us". I have been with a few practices in London and this is far the worst.

    Visited August 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 12 December 2023

    Dear MaGa Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. I am very sorry that you had this experience when making an appointment and with your hospital prescription. I would like to discuss this with you further if you would be happy to make contact with me directly. Unfortunately I am unable to investigate anonymous reviews as there is so little information available to identify you. We strive to make improvements to the patient experience and as a patient your feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope to hear from you to discuss this further Thank you Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager

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  5. Review titled I feel helpless.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 06 October 2023

    Have to use the new triage system to make appointment. I went on the website to do so,got text back to say notifications received. Looked on the website to check things out but it seems the system has crashed. Been waiting fir six weeks for the follow up that is supposed take two days? Tried to make complaint but this section of there website has been closed down. I wonder why? Good luck fellow patients. This is now the NHS (no help system).

    Visited August 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 12 December 2023

    Dear Patient I am very sorry that this has been your experience on this occasion. Please can I ask you to make contact with me directly and I will look into the concerns raised. Unfortunately as your review is anonymous I cannot investigate this without further information. Thank you Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager

    Report as unsuitable

  6. Review titled Unreliable and unhelpful

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 03 July 2023

    Aside from being nearly impossible to get an appointment, once I did et an appointment they refused to refer me to a specialist about the issue. Separately I take a specific medicine, this medicine is in shortage worldwide, I have been ringing chemists and no one has stock. I went back to the practice to discuss dosage weaning or transfer. The staff are making it impossible to speak to a doctor, suggest I submit an econsult, which when I do it says this is not possible ring the practice. I am now thinking it will come to me needing to go to urgent care as I don't have any other options.

    Visited July 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 03 July 2023

    Dear patient As the Manager of the practice I am very sorry to hear of the difficulties you have experienced on this occasion. Please can I ask that you reach out to me directly via email so that I can look into this matter for you. I apologise for any inconvenience this has caused but unfortunately when reviews are left anonymously I am unable to obtain further information to enable me to conduct any investigation. I hope to hear from you. Kind regards Tracy Crossfield Practice Manager

    Report as unsuitable

  7. Review titled Call back Tomorrow -No Appointments for Today

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 09 February 2023

    I have been calling the surgery every day between 18 & 30 times throughout the day since the 27th of January 2023 to ask the GP to refer me for a private MRI Scan as they are saying the NHS waiting list is over 6 months. The referral will take up to 5 minutes of their time however, starting my call 8am every day or just after I am met with an automated message saying we are too busy to answer you call try later & cut off. This will happen until approx 3-4pm then I may get an answer from a human the receptionist advising no appointments left for today. I did get through today morning and was told call back tomorrow GP appointments are full. I did explain to the receptionist how relentless this has became can you help me resolve this which was met by call back tomorrow at 8am.

    Visited February 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 09 February 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to feedback your experiences having used our services recently. We take all feedback very seriously and use as an opportunity to improve our services in the best interest of our patients. We generally don't take requests of this nature over the telephone. We ask patients to either submit a request through our websites contact us page, or via our eConsult facility also available on our website. In circumstances where a patient cannot use the options mentioned we have added an option on our telephone lines where referrals can be discussed with an appropriate administrator to avoid patients waiting in long queues. We are very disappointed with the difficulty you described trying to get through to the practice via the telephone. Over recent months we have positively improved our telephone service, particularly our call waiting times. To understand and make improvements we recommend you contact the practice with your details so we can investigate this further. We apologise your experience has been negative, and hope clarity on the system we have in place will help you with similar queries in the future.

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  8. Review titled Difficult to get help

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 17 January 2023

    I have been trying to get help for nearly two months now. I call every morning at 8am but the lines are very busy. Even if you do get through it is hard to see the same staff which is important if you have a chronic health problem. I was told that I would get a call back in the morning but it didn’t happen until the evening so you have to wait all da. They only call for a couple of seconds and if you miss the call you have to start all over again. They are very short staffed (the turnover of drs seems very high with many off ) and the reception staff are very snappy. it is very stressful trying to use this service. If you can go elsewhere do.

    Visited January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 20 January 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of the Hurley & Riverside Practices. We apologies your experience has been a negative one, we take all feedback very seriously and use as an opportunity to improve our services in the best interest of our patients. We are disappointed with your experience of getting through to the practice via telephone, 8am is the busiest time of the day for the Practice but we have worked extremely hard over the past year to improve our telephone pick up time which has greatly reduced. We are also, constantly working with our reception team to improve our quality of service and your feedback referencing reception attitude will be used as part of our regular customer service training. We agree that continuity of care is very important, so where we use locum staff we try to keep the same clinicians coming back to offer that to our patients. We also suggest that patients with chronic health problems and need to see a clinician regularly book their appointments as early as possible, where patients can book appointments 6 weeks in advance. We also recommend patients download the NHS App or Patient Access to be able to book appointments made available online without having to call through to the Practice. Our clinicians do sometimes have to prioritise their patients by order of urgency which can result in patients getting called back later than anticipated. When booking a telephone consultation with a clinician they are to attempt the call back twice before possibly requesting the patient rebook the appointment. If you would like to talk more about your experiences using our services please contact the practice and leave a message to discuss further with a member of our leadership team or why not be part of the change by joining our Patient Participation Group by emailing the practice with your contact details.

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  9. Review titled Impossible to get appointment

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 January 2023

    I’m not sure how this practice is still going, it’s impossible to make an appointment. I’ve been trying for over a week, calling the second they open and the either get told the queue is full or if I’m lucky to be put in a queue when you reach the front no one actually answers. I’ve been down to the practice and I can see the phones are all set to be silent. The phones are ringing but they just don’t get answered And people wonder why A and E is overflowing. Simple answer, getting a doctors appointment is easier than breaking into Fort Knox.

    Visited January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 20 January 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of the Hurley & Riverside Practices. We apologies your experience has been a negative one, we take all feedback very seriously and use as an opportunity to improve our services in the best interest of our patients. We are disappointed with your experience of getting through to the practice via telephone, we have worked extremely hard over the past year to improve our telephone pick up time which has greatly reduced. We have a dedicated Telephone Hub which is away from the reception area, handled by our receptionist focused on attending to our patient calls and requests. We do have alternative options to getting access to a clinician other than by calling the practice which you may find more suitable, such as our eConsults service, booking through the NHS App or Patient Access or by going directly to the pharmacy for minor ailments (which the practice can also refer you to) If you would like to talk more about your experiences using our services please contact the practice and leave a message to discuss further with a member of our leadership team or why not be part of the change by joining our Patient Participation Group by emailing the practice with your contact details.

    Report as unsuitable

  10. Review titled Disappointing

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 30 September 2022

    I have chronic health problems which unfortunately mean I have to contact my GP several times a year. Once you do get through to speak to a Dr they are normally very good but it is such a struggle to get through to them. It took five days this time of phoning every morning at 8am before I eventually managed to arrange a call. Unfortunately some of the reception staff are just so rude and very hostile- it’s upsetting . I appreciate it probably isn’t the easiest of jobs but if you start conversations off very aggressive /bad tempered it doesn’t help. They have also lost the last two letters from my specialist and not answered my online/econsult requests. It used to be a great practice but it has become so difficult to make an appointment/ order repeat prescriptions . I wish I could leave but the same group own the other practice nearby and from online reviews it doesn’t seem much better. It is worrying that if it doesn’t improve it may actually contribute to people becoming unwell as it’s so difficult to access medication/ get help.

    Visited September 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Riverside Medical Practice

    Replied on 20 January 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of the Hurley & Riverside Practices. We apologies your experience has been a negative one, we take all feedback very seriously and use as an opportunity to improve our services in the best interest of our patients. We are disappointed with your experience of getting through to the practice via telephone, we have worked extremely hard over the past year to improve our telephone pick up time which has greatly reduced. We are constantly working with our reception team to improve our quality of service and your feedback referencing reception attitude will be used as part of our regular customer service training. The ways patients can request a repeat prescription has greatly improved recently with patients having much more options to do so. Patients can now request their repeat prescription by emailing the practice by filling in our online form, post, NHS App, Patient Access and through your pharmacy. Also, if you run short of medication unexpectedly, your regular Pharmacist may be able to help you pending a repeat prescription being ordered in the normal way. The personal challenges you have raised in your feedback, regarding lost letters and unanswered eConsults, can be properly investigated by speaking directly with the practice. Please contact to speak with the Practice Manager to discuss more thoroughly. If you would like to talk more about your experiences using our services please contact the practice and leave a message to discuss further with a member of our leadership team or why not be part of the change by joining our Patient Participation Group by emailing the practice with your contact details.

    Report as unsuitable