Shere Surgery & Dispensary, Gomshall Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9DRContact details and opening times
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Review titled Terrible practice
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 21 February 2025
You cannot get an appointment, even if it is urgent, you get told to g o to A&E. Booking system is terrible, emergency appointments only, no non urgent appointment system, so you can never been seen. You need to add a request online at 6am, you get called or just a text message at 3pm to say sorry the Doctor cannot see you, try again tomorrow. I have been trying to get blood results for a month but can never get booked in to speak to a GP about it because it is not urgent. Reception say because I am not a child or elderly, I am not a priority. Also, they serve a care home and boarding school, so as an adult, you can't get an appointment and you can't change GP's because this is the only one in our catchment area. I was so frustrated and in pain, I paid for a private GP £120.00. I plan to send this bill to the NHS for a refund.
Visited February 2024
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Review titled Excellent care
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Zoe Simone Swiffen - Posted on 15 March 2023
I contacted the surgery via Ask My GP. Within 3 hours I had been telephoned by my GP, seen at the surgery, a clear management plan agreed , medication prescribed and dispensed at the surgery. This is what excellent care looks like. Above all I was really listened to. Thank you so much Shere Surgery and Dispensary.
Visited March 2023
Sheresurgeryanddispensary has not yet replied.
Review titled Excellent Gynae Service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 20 March 2023
I was referred to the Community Gynaecology Service by my local GP and the service was faultless. I was seen within a month, the communication prior to my appointment was excellent. The procedure was straight forward and the GP was kind, knowledgeable and professional. We are so lucky in this area to have such a service and I am very grateful. Huge thanks to the GP & HCA.
Visited March 2023
Sheresurgeryanddispensary has not yet replied.