Springhead Health
Fleet Health Campus, Vale Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, DA11 8BZContact details and opening times
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Review titled Extremely Poor communication lack of patient care p
by Tye Reeves - Posted on 14 February 2025
This morning I had to visit Gravesend minor injuries. As an already less able person I had to visit due to increased mobility problems and a extremely swollen limb. I was sent with a letter to reception at the surgery which stated I needed urgent bloods taken. Reception said they were going to get the path form generated by this afternoon and if I collect I can then get my bloods done on Saturday morning back at Gravesend. My partner drove back to the surgery and was given an old path form from last year no the blood test I needed. He then rang them to explain and they didn’t know when it would be done, definitely not today sometime. Because the blood disorder they are querying, which I have had before is potentially life threatening. I have no option but to attend A&E and wait in pain for hours. This is all because someone can’t generate a path form which literally takes seconds, 5 mins max. There are nurses ans gps and even healthcare assistants can do it, but no can’t be done. This is appalling on so many levels. I am immune suppressed so done really want to come out of A&E with more than I went in with. I really thought we were trying to keep people out of A&E rather than fobbing people off to start their weekends sooner. It’s not the first occassion I have experienced lack of patient care and I am sure it won’t be the last. Only hope I get to speak to CQC before their next visit
Visited February 2025
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 18 February 2025
Dear Mr Reeves, Thank you for your review. I am sorry to hear of your experience. With all feedback, we aim to identify any areas of improvement and training needs. I have contacted you directly to discuss further. Thank you, Kate - Operations Manager
Review titled Appointment Lottery
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 27 February 2025
Having been here now for almost 5 years I can say very little has improved. If you win the appointment lottery then great. But as of today you still must use the dreaded econsult to get an appointment. Depending on the demand you may only get a small window to do so. Today for example you have to submit your econsult between 0730-0830. That is it. A one hour window and if you miss it or are unavailable then no health care for you. Don’t bother phoning up. They’ll just tell you to try again tomorrow or call 111 if it is urgent. Spend several hours negotiating 111 and you’ll just get referred back to your GP. Now if you can manage to find the time during the very specific one hour window to submit your econsult you then have to wait for the lottery if a call back. Don’t you dare miss that call. They ring once for about 10 seconds and if you don’t answer that is it. Start the process again waiting for the next one hour window. If you are at work during that window or otherwise unable to meet it then tough. The practice could not care less if they even tried to. I’m done with this practice. A simple change to the system such as being able to submit an econsult anytime would make a massive difference. I understand if I miss the deadline for the day it won’t be looked at until the next day but why is it that you can only submit it during that specific hour? And as for call backs, surely trying more than once is common courtesy. I can’t be the only patient at your surgery with a job that makes taking phone calls difficult. Can you not even give a window of when to expect the call? I was lucky once in my five years to win the appointment lottery. I sent in my econsult having used half a day of annual leave since my employer doesn’t do less than half a day, and managed to grab my phone as it rang two days later just in time right at the end of my lunch break. The phone call was rushed but I got invited to a face to face appointment and everything from there on was fantastic. But winning the appointment lottery is so difficult that I’m done with this practice. One appointment in five years is not an acceptable level of service to offer to patients. Even if it means I have to travel further for my appointments I’d much rather actually have an outside chance of getting an appointment in the first place.
Visited January 2025
Springhead Health has not yet replied.
Review titled Brilliant follow up call from a GP.
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Sandra - Posted on 21 January 2025
I received a message when renewing my Batch Repeats that I needed to have blood test and also a BP reading (this being done at the surgery on their machine). I had my blood test yesterday and was surprised to get a call from one of the GPs today. She immediately put me at ease by saying nothing to worry about re my tests as all came back OK, but with a slight issue regarding one test. The Dr talked me through the next steps in retaking a blood test in 6-8 weeks time and that she would send me a code to present at Gravesham Community Hosp. Again reassuring all was OK and not to worry. I took the opportunity to ask about my BP tests as has happened in the past I got BP Machine Phobia and my BP was high so took another test and it was lower, but the Admin team had sent through a form for me to record my readings, but hadn't advised what to do with the readings. Again the Dr talked me through my reading and said the second test was fine, but that my pulse rate was a bit high. So I was advised to take my pulse reads for the next 2 weeks at 3 times each week and again report back through a link or if not send it back to the surgery through an email. I have to say how pleased I was with this aftercare from both my Blood test and BP readings (these were done today). At all times during our telecon the Dr put me at ease and didn't rush the call and answered any queries I had. I just thought it should be noted how things are working so well down at Springhead Health. Credit where credit is due. Brilliant Patient Care today.
Visited January 2025
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 24 January 2025
Dear Sandra, Thank you for taking the time to share your positive feedback with us. Its really great to hear what brilliant patient care you have received. I have the pleasure of sharing this with the GP who consulted you and the wider team. Thank you again for taking the time to share. Kate, Operations Manager.
Review titled Useless appointments system
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Les Brook - Posted on 24 October 2024
I have tried all week to get an appointment,phone at 8am on dot, no. 40 in queue,phone in pm no. 4 in queue no appointments left, can I book for tomorrow. No. Phone in morning, again long no. In queue no chance of appointment, can't get an appointment at reception only phone appointments.
Visited October 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 25 October 2024
Dear Les, Thank you for your feedback. Our busiest period for appointment requests is at 8am. I understand it may feel frustrating when there is a high volume of callers but this does not always mean that we do not have the appointment availability to meet that demand. We do have a new telephone system, that allows patients to use the call back functionality. This means the call system will call you back when you reach caller number one in the queue. The 'on the day' appointments are generally fully booked by the afternoon. We do offer pre-bookable appointments but these are subject to availability. We do have e-consult available. All submissions are triaged and an appointment is arranged accordingly. It would be really useful if patients sent their feedback to us directly by emailing feedback.springhead@nhs.net. This allows us to firstly, resolve any concerns or issues and also allow us to identify any training issues or potential improvements to the service we provide. Thank you, Kate - Operations Manager.
Review titled Helpful Doctor and Receptionist
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by John Luck - Posted on 06 January 2025
I had spots on my face and was given a cream by a Hospital to get rid of them. Unfortunately my skin reacted against the cream and my spots became large sores which were painful and stopped me shaving. I contacted Springhead Health and was given an appointment with a Doctor who explained my problem was Rosacea and prescribed a Cream and Anti Biotics which cleared the sores within 2 weeks and my face was back to normal in about 2 months. During my first appointment the Doctor asked me if I had a mobile phone and wanted me to photograph the sores on my face and send them to the surgery to be put on my record. I explained that although I had a phone I would not be able to do what he wanted. I then gave my phone to him and he took the photographs for me. I then went to reception and gave my phone to the lady who kindly transferred the photos to my surgery record. I was impressed by the way I was treated and say Thank You to the Doctor and Receptionists for their kindness and helpfulness to me.
Visited October 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 16 January 2025
Dear Mr Luck, Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback. I am really pleased to hear of the service you received whilst you were at the surgery. I am glad you had a speedy recovery following your consultation and agreed treatment plan. I will share your feedback with the team. Thank you again for sharing your experience. Kate, Operations Manager
Review titled Completely unhelpful
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 30 August 2024
Recently went through a private ADHD diagnosis and treatment as I was told by springhead its a 5-7yr wait list on the NHS, got my shared care file sent over (thorough assessment and monitoring from my consultant) so the medication could be added to my current prescription. Went in to check this had been received (last follow up with consultant end of july) I'm told yes it will automatically be added to my prescription. An hour later I receive a txt to say I need to book an over the phone app I need to call on a Monday which I did waited an hour, receptionist gives a time late August which the medication would have run out by, I ask can I speak with another doctor? I'm told no. (Phone app wasn't my request I simply asked to have my adhd meds added to my prescription) so I take the app given an hour later I receive a txt to say the doctor has refused to take on a private consultantants prescription. (No explanation) I put a complaint in bearing in mind I never see a doctor as I try to look after myself and went down the private route to releive the NHS. I'm told private diagnosis isn't recognised by the NHS which makes no sense as many private consultants work for the NHS and privately. I was asked if I want to go on the NHS waiting list to wait 5plus years for a diagnosis I already have no logic what so ever. Staff clearly don't communicate as after the msg the gp won't take on private consultant prescriptions I'm still called by the GP with the origional booking where I stated that's in 2weeks meds will run out. So iv now changed surgeries who are happy to deal with my request which is a basic add another medication to my prescription as iv done all the work diagnosis and treatment myself Poor service poor communication and making the rules up as they go.
Visited August 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 23 September 2024
Dear Patient, thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear of your experience. When a patient receives a private diagnosis, their specialist/consultant may send the GP a 'Shared care agreement' or 'SCA'. It is to the digression of the individual clinicians if they are happy to sign. If this is signed, the clinician agrees to continue the management of the patients condition. The clinician is not legally obliged to sign the SCA and can refuse. As a practice, we do not accept SCA from private clinics and often private diagnosis's are not recognised through the NHS. I accept that there has been some miscommunications with this due to lack of understanding and training. Thank you for highlighting as we can look to enhance the knowledge within our teams. I am sorry we were unable to fulfil your request and as a result you have moved to another practice. I wish you all the best. Kate, Operations Manager.
Review titled Ever improving service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Sandra - Posted on 29 August 2024
I'd like to thank the team who do a great job of authorising prescription requests both Batch Repeats and Controlled Drug requests. This team has been steadily improving and making it easier for me and I hope other patients get their meds on time. Occasionally I have had to order early due to holiday commitments and when I have explained that it has been dealt with without any issues, and the team have emailed me back to confirm it has been accepted. If I have a query about my scripts they help wherever possible. Recently when replying to me I noticed a change to the replying email address, on my next request for a Controlled Drug I asked if the email address had changed in case my request had not been accepted. They very quickly responded to say that the original email address had not changed, but when they reply to patients a different address will be used. I have to say I find this to be brilliant service by a team that must be very busy most days. In my view Springhead Health has come a long way in giving excellent service to their patients since the dreadful days of post Covid. A 5 letter word most of us dislike. Thank you to the Team at Springhead Health.
Visited August 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 23 September 2024
Dear Sandra, Thank you for leaving your feedback. I am pleased to read you have received a good service from us. I am glad you have noticed an improvement. We are looking at improving our turnaround time for prescription requests as per patient feedback. Thank you again for taking the time to share your experience. Kate, Operations Manager.
Review titled Cant actually get an appointment
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 16 July 2024
The doctors at this surgery are great, trouble is you will never actually be able to see one. This is mainly due to two things firstly you ring at 8 am to get an appointment and the phone is engaged for 5-20 mins to then sit in a que of 20+ people to then be told when you get through that there are no appointments available phone again tomorrow or got to urgent care at the hospital. And second E-Consult what a joke that is got a problem put one of these in and you'll be waiting 3 weeks or more for an appointment to get it sorted out. Had an reaction to drugs they issued and when phoning them they refused to even get the doctor to speak with me and told me to go to A&E which i did to be told after 12 hrs of waiting that there was nothing wrong its a reaction to the drugs see you doctor. Trying to get a fit note recently phoned up no appointments did an e-consult booked me an appointment for 3 weeks time. Absolutely useless. Do not go to this surgery they are terrible and they should be ashamed of the service they provide the public.
Visited July 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 18 July 2024
Dear Patient, Thank you for your feedback. I do accept that booking an appointment can be difficult at times. The appointment availability does not always meet the demand we face. We do have to signpost patients to other services once our capacity is full. E-consult is an effective online option. All e-consults are triaged and an appointment is booked accordingly. The triage advice may indicate that the patient can be offered a routine appointment which is usually within 3-4 weeks. I appreciate the phone lines can be busy. We do have a dedicated reception team who answer the calls as quickly as possible. It would be really useful to look into your experience so we can identify any areas for improvement. Please kindly email me on feedback.springhead@nhs.net. Thank you. Kate, Operations Manager.
Review titled Thorough treatment
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Steve Bull - Posted on 19 September 2024
I was treated by a doctor earlier this year for symptoms who recommended further investigation which found a potentially life threatening condition. The doctors professional diligence therefore saved my life and I can't thank him enough
Visited July 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 23 September 2024
Dear Mr Bull, Thank you for sharing your experience. I think your words say it all! The clinicians actions have given you the best possible outcome. Take care and I hope you are steadily recovering. Thank you. Kate, Operations Manager
Review titled Solution Focused Practice
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 26 June 2024
I wanted to share my thanks to the receptionist. I had totally forgot that my prescription had gone to Chatham and not the pharmacy next door. Not only did she help me to get a reprint, she advised to talk to the pharmacist next door and if they couldn't help and that I would then need to pick up from Chatham, she would do her best to accommodate any late return.
Visited June 2024
Review titled Springhead Health
Replied on 08 July 2024
Dear Patient, Thank you for your feedback. I am really pleased to hear that you received such great service. It would be really good to share this with the receptionist directly. If you wouldn't mind, please kindly email me on feedback.springhead@nhs.net with the details of the receptionist who assisted you. Thank you. Kate, Operations Manager.