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The Church Street Practice

Callows Lane, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2JG

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  1. Review titled Who do they see?

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 15 February 2023

    I have tried to get an appointment to see any doctor about an urgent matter, but can't get an appointment until March for a phone call. 111 advised me to seek help immediately (ended up in hospital) with the same information that I gave on the online form to this practice. If I go online to check blood pressure results, the NHS website tells me to see a gp within 2 days, but I get a snarky texts reaponse or ignored when I try to get an earlier appointment. When they do call you for an appointment they don't give you chance to get to the phone before ringing off, and when you call back immediately you get attitude abiut missing the call. Its a disgrace

    Visited February 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled The Church Street Practice

    Replied on 16 February 2023

    Dear Anonymous I am sorry you have not been happy with the service you have received from Church Street Surgery. As your comment is anonymous I am unable to investigate further, however I am happy to discuss your concerns if you call the surgery on 01562 745040 and ask to speak to the Site Manager. I am a little confused to read that you were offered a phone call in March as at present we don't have those sessions on the system yet? Kind Regards Sally Hookes Site Manger

    Report as unsuitable