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The Orchard Med Practice

Orchard Road, Broughton Astley, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 6RG

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  1. Review titled Very hit and miss

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Sue - Posted on 06 February 2025

    I have had far more bad experiences with this practice than good both for myself and my elderly dad in the last couple of years. I work so am unable to sit on the phone in the morning hoping to get an appt. So I registered for online appt booking some time ago. Used it successfully once, tried again recently to be told I am not registered with it. A system that kicks you off for not visiting the doctor enough! Had to re-register then tried to use today only to find that the "available slots" are non-existent for about 2.5 months. I called the surgery thinking the system must have an error to be told very curtly that there are no appts and they are waiting for the rotas that cover from the end of March to release those. So I would have to wait until then or I could call at 8.15am...rather missing the point that I chose online booking because I cannot do that morning scramble nonsense which successive governments talk about changing but don't. So basically I have no access to my gp in anything like a reasonable timescale (if at all). I went on the website to find you could message and they (should) come back to you but the wait is 2 days. I have done this as it seems no other choice. The website states for a routine appt you can call the surgery during normal working hours - this is not true as they restrict to the early morning rush. It also states you can go into the surgery during opening times and book a routine appt - I have tried this before and can confirm this is also not true unless things have changed very recently. Finally it says you can book online. Clearly this is also not the case. Some serious overhaul of working practices needed here and (some) receptionists need a lot of training in customer service. There is a young man behind reception sometimes and he always seems helpful but it's pot luck with the women there. Everything seems geared up to stopping people accessing the healthcare that we pay for in our taxes. The system used is designed to make life easier for them and harder for the people paying for it. Years ago in a previous surgery I could call anytime of day to book an appointment - I still might have had a 2 or 3 week wait if it was non-urgent but at least I could get it booked. I fail to see why that would be so difficult a thing for this practice to do. Time for GP surgeries to be owned by the NHS and GPs employed and accountable instead of what feels like little fiefdoms taking taxpayers money and giving as little as they can in return.

    Visited February 2025

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 07 February 2025

    Dear Sue, Thank you for your feedback regarding the booking of appointments at the Practice. My name is Kaye Heath and I am the Administration Manager at the Practice. I apologise on behalf of the Practice for your recent experience on attempting to arrange an appointment. After speaking with Justine Beresford, Practice Manager, she would be most grateful if you could provide your full name and contact details - my email is Justine is on annual leave, returning to the Practice on Monday 17th February 2025. On her return. she will contact you and discuss the issues raised. Kind regards, Kaye Heath Administration Manager

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  2. Review titled Well organised & efficient

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Kath Akoslovski - Posted on 03 November 2024

    I attended Orchard Medical Practise at Broughton Astley for my Covid & Flu vaccinations on Sat 19 Oct a.m. I was very impressed how well it was organised, from the man greeting everyone outside, the women checking everyone in & of course the 4 doctors/nurses doing the vaccinations. To do 600 vaccinations in 3 hours is very impressive. Good teamwork, well done everyone.

    Visited October 2024

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 15 November 2024

    Dear Kath Many thanks for your feedback regarding our recent Influenza / Covid Clinics. We do take pride in how we organise/ run these clinics and its lovely to for the Staff working on a Saturday to know, that Patients, such as yourself, are grateful to everyone including the Volunteer Marshall. Your feedback will be circulated throughout the Practice. Thank you for taking the time to pass on your thoughts. Kind regards, Kaye Heath Administration Manager

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  3. Review titled Fab Phlebotomist & Practice Nurse

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 27 March 2024

    Thank you to both the Phlebotomist & Practice Nurse for the consultations I have received recently. The blood test appointment went without any issue and the Phlebotomist was very efficient. Once my results arrived back, the Practice Nurse rang me to discuss my diagnosis. She was kind, caring & extremely professional whilst adding a little light relief to the call. I liked to take this opportunity to thank both members of Staff for providing a great service

    Visited March 2024

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 24 October 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you very much for your feedback. I will ensure that this is passed onto the Staff involved and circulated to the Practice Staff

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  4. Review titled Well organised clinics

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 04 October 2023

    Fab organisation of the flu & Covid clinics! The appointments were easy to arrange via the link provided in the text messages. Hardly any waiting and vaccinated on both occasions by professional & cheerful Staff. Thank you for all your hard work

    Visited October 2023

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 06 October 2023

    Dear Patient Thank you for your feed back re the flu & covid clinics and this will be passed onto the Staff involved. The clinics require much organisation, coordinating various members of the Practice & this sometimes, requires Staff to provide clinics outside of their normal contracted hours. Kaye Heath Administration Manager

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  5. Review titled Can't even get an appointment !

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 October 2023

    Needed to see a doctor urgently, well to me it's urgent. All you ever get told is call back in the morning. If you go to the hospital get told it's something your doctor needs to look at! I'm not a person who often goes to the doctors, but today I really need to see a doctor or nurse!! What do we pay National Insurance for ?? The receptionists are very rude and patronizing!!

    Visited October 2023

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 12 October 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for your feedback. I am Kaye Heath, Administration Manager and I apologise on behalf of the Practice for your experience in trying to arrange an appointment. From your review I understand that you require an appointment to discuss a letter following contact from the hospital. During and following the Covid Pandemic, our appointment system has changed on several occasions to reflect the changes outside of General Practice. Routine appointments, both face to face & telephone consultations are available to pre- book either via Reception or via the NHS app. We still continue to provide emergency 'on the day' appointments to our Patients. We are also able to offer appointments via the Extended Hours Service - evening & weekend appointments. Should you wish to be seen sooner than a pre-bookable appointment or telephone consultation is available, please contact the Reception Manager on 01455 282599, to discuss the issue further. Your feedback will be circulated to Staff at the Practice and made available for discussion at our regular Practice meetings. Kind regards, Kaye Heath Administration Manager

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  6. Review titled Unreachable

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Mike - Posted on 14 June 2023

    I've been unable to get an appointment for my wife who needs looking at urgently. Eventually I went into reception to book an appointment to be told to phone at 8.15. I explained the problem an the receptionist said "make sure you get your wife in", the waiting room was empty at the time. So you phone at 8.14, surgery closed,8.15 and your unable to get through. On top of that, the website says they're accepting new patients, great. I don't suppose I'll get a reply to this as it seems the surgery only replies to good feedback. Many thanks and best of luck if your I'll. Mike

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 15 June 2023

    Dear Mike, Thank you for your feedback My name is Kaye Heath, Administration Manager. I would like to apologise on behalf of the Practice for the poor experience you have received when trying to arrange an appointment for your wife. I understand your frustration at not being able to arrange an appointment either via Reception or by telephone and apologise for this. I will forward your feedback to both the Practice Manager & Reception Manager. The appointment system has changed several times before, during and after the Covid Pandemic. Appointments are available to book online via the NHS App but understand that some illness' require more urgent care. Should your wife still require an appointment, please contact Lucy Neal, Reception Manager to discuss the issue further. Kind regards, Kaye Heath Administration Manager The Orchard Medical Practice

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  7. Review titled Very good practice

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Karen Tew - Posted on 16 May 2023

    Saw a GP today she was very caring and understanding. Gave me lots useful advice. I can't remember her name but it began with the letter m.

    Visited May 2023

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    Review titled The Orchard Med Practice

    Replied on 25 May 2023

    Dear Karen Thank you for taking the time to write a review. On checking, I note that Dr's name and will inform her of the review. Kind regards, Kaye Heath Administration Manager

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  8. Review titled Disappointed with the service

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Kim - Posted on 06 March 2023

    I phoned in the morning to make an appointment in Feb, took me 45 minutes to get through, when I got through I was told to phone at 8:15am the next morning. I was then given a phone call appointment. When on the phone the doctor couldn't understand why I had been given a phone call appointment and not to be seen. She gave me an Appointment with another doctor for the afternoon. Reception then phoned me to change the time of my appointment. When I went, I didn't see the person I was originally told that I was seeing. They told me to go back in two weeks if symptoms are still showing. I phoned this morning at 8:15, to be told that I can't pre book an appointment for a few weeks time and it wasn't an emergency to book for today. They didn't ask anything about what was wrong and they also didn't seem interested when I told them that the symptoms have now been 8 weeks. Very disappointed in the service!

    Visited March 2023

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