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The Riverside Practice

14 Urban Hive, Theydon Road, London, Greater London, E5 9BQ

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Displaying 21 to 24 of 24

  1. Review titled Appointment Feedback

    by equuleuskb68 - Posted on 30 June 2023

    On time, thorough, professional, thought I received the time needed for test, no crowd at reception

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled The Riverside Practice

    Replied on 02 July 2023

    Thank you for sharing your recent experience of visiting the surgery.

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  2. Review titled I have an ongoing problem with pins and needles in my hands

    by jivezz85 - Posted on 19 June 2023

    I have an ongoing problem with pins and needles in my hands, partly my fault its not sorted, just learned to live with it, think it needs sorting as the condition hampers my enjoyment of learning to play guitar and riding my motorbike. I went to the doctors surgery for a blood pressure check up, which incidentally was fine, came out with a referral to a specialist to look into my pins and needles, referred to hospital for a blood test, my age dictates a look at my cholesterol, blood sugar levels, etc, think just keeping an eye in a preventative function. I have been going to the same doctors for 30 years, if they were no good i would have changed, same way I have had bank accounts by most high street banks. I have no complaints whatsoever, same goes for my experiences with NHS hospitals, I never have a problem, more often than not, I am pleasantly surprised at how quick, efficient and on it doctors and nurses within the NHS have been.

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled The Riverside Practice

    Replied on 23 June 2023

    Thank you for sharing your experience of being a patient for 30 years. I am particularly glad that we were able to help you with your problem and hopefully you will be able to continue playing the guitar symptom free. It is also reassuring to hear that you have had a positive experience of using the NHS in terms of its efficiency and speed of being treated.

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  3. Review titled Spots on my face

    by Yinkatrex - Posted on 12 July 2023

    Called the hp, spoke to my doctor and was given a medication that cleared the spots and made them go away

    Visited June 2023

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    The Riverside Practice has not yet replied.

  4. Review titled Amazing experience from a wonderful nurse

    by Amzzzz - Posted on 24 March 2023

    It was my 2nd smear test with the same nurse as 3 years ago. My first smear experience wasn’t bad but it was uncomfortable but I also believe as it was my first I wasn’t as relaxed and was quite stressed. Today was my 2nd and overall was a great experience. The nurse was lovely as always and knew I was nervous but made me feel very comfortable. The process was not painful at all and nurse spoke to me the entire time. I ensured I was calm and relaxed as possible and the nurse made this much easier too. She swabbed and I didn’t even realise until she had told me it was all done. Amazing experience from a wonderful nurse. Get your smear, ladies! Also the reception staff and GP’s are the greatest and friendliest at this practice and I have never had any complaints. Wonderful staff.

    Visited March 2023

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    Review titled The Riverside Practice

    Replied on 24 March 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of having your smear test at the surgery. I have shared your feedback with the practice team including our nurse and am pleased that you have found the team to be friendly. Thank you for encouraging other women to book their smear tests and I hope your positive experience will have an impact. Our nurse has updated her smear technique and reflected on previous patient feedback and I am glad that she was able to make you feel comfortable during your smear test.

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