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The Waterfield Practice

1 County Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 3JP

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  1. Review titled Bad service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Tracy - Posted on 05 June 2024

    Put my daughter's repeat in, checked and it had been issued but when I went to collect it there wasn't anything showing at the pharmacy. After trying for 2 days to get hold of someone, I find out that there had been an issue with the systems on the day they issued my daughter's prescription and it didn't actually go through. At no point was I contacted about this, and no-one thought to reissue any prescriptions that failed! The person I spoke to, said she'd get the late doctor to issue it, but she didn't seem to comprehend or even care about the seriousness of the issue. When I asked her to get the practice manager to contact me, her reply was "I can't do that as it's not part of my job today"! My daughter has epilepsy and these medications were to keep it under control. As a result she had 5 seizures due to missed medications. I am moving our services to another surgery asap! I am absolutely disgusted with the rubbish service I have received and nothing I say ever changes it.

    Visited June 2024

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  2. Review titled Prescriptions mistakes and no oppointmenta

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Keith ellis - Posted on 20 February 2024

    1. Each month I put in a repeat prescription for 3 medications. Again this month the doctor has only sent 1 medication prescription to the pharmacy. This often happens therefore I only have one of my 3 medications needed and now without the other 2 for a couple of days. This gives me withdrawal symptoms and struggle without them. This happens very regular and I do not understand why the doctor cannot forfill this request without making mistakes and missing of medications. I’m sorry but this should not be happening and the doctor should be able to do this task. 2. I can never get a face to face doctor appointment. I have nasal issues that the doctor stated months ago I would be referred to ENT for as cannot breath properly due to a deviated septum. Checking my NHS notes it looks like this has not been done?? I also am waiting a referral on a cyst removal on my head which has grown and causing issues. Again nothing seems to be added to my notes and nothing has been done. I would like an explanation for the bone referrals and notes of issues I have raised, why I cannot see a dr face to face about this and lastly why my medication requests keep being sent wrongly. I hope to hear something back Than you

    Visited February 2024

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  3. Review titled Terrible Service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 31 October 2023

    While I appreciate that the NHS is under immense pressure, it seems that Waterfield practice has completely missed the mark on health care. A few months ago I was suddenly quite ill following a bite. After having no luck in getting an appointment for a blood test, I had to pay for a private doctor who then referred me for urgent blood tests. Following numerous in person and over the phone follow ups for my blood results, I eventually was told “oh no we don’t phone you if there is nothing to report back on”. Lots of worry over weeks of anti biotics.. for nothing. I subsequently booked an appointment with my GP to follow up on some health concerns, I received a text message that my appointment would be 3 weeks later and between 8.30 and 11.30. Never have I seen a service provider provide a 3 hour window to call. This is just inefficient. Following the call we agreed on a course of action which included a general blood panel. To date, almost 2 weeks later I am yet to receive a message to attend for blood tests. Phoning Waterfield is a painful exercise unless you have hours to wait on the phone. I have a chronic condition and the lack of medical care at this practice has prompted me to move to another practice. It is a really sad state of affairs.

    Visited October 2023

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