Woodhouse Medical Centre
5-7 Skelton Lane, Woodhouse, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S13 7LYContact details and opening times
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Review titled Very poor service from the ladies on the call
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Christine Corton - Posted on 18 June 2024
I asked for my test results but was told they didn’t have them and said for me to call the hospital, after a lengthy time I got through and they said they’d sent them 3 weeks ago so I called back and the lady was so abrupt and rude told me we didn’t have them and that was that, this is not the first time it’s happened many times and the service you get is getting worse week by week.
Visited June 2024
Woodhouse Medical Centre has not yet replied.
Review titled Terrible, and dangerous service.
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Lynne Austin - Posted on 24 April 2023
Last week I caught what I can only assume ( as I couldnt speak to a GP) was a particularly nesty viral infection. As my husband was very worried about my situation and worsening health, he attempted to obtain a telephone appointment for me. He was told the list was full for the day. He insisted it was urgent and that my symptoms were getting increasingly worse. He is aware there is an emergancy GP list for that day for anything that might be urgent after the days appointments have all been taken. Despite immpressing upon the receptionist ( who know doubt was doing her best to get me an appointment, without success) He was told to take me to the walk in centre. They were aware I had a very high temprature and blood pressure, a raging, almost unbearable headache, had not eaten anything for 3 days, couldnt get out of bed and was projectile vomiting. How did they think I was getting to the walk in centre, and how was that healthy for all the other people there. what I got was a text at 11:50am stating "the duty GP has advised that you attend the walk in centre today to be seen as we are at capacity for today at the surgery". Whilst I appreciate they have limited resources, this was clearly out of the ordinary and they could also see I am not someone who rings for an appointment reqularly ( maybe 3 times a year). My husband, who also works in a surgery in a none medical role did everything in his power to express to the how seriously ill I was, it made no difference whatsoever. Later that night I experienced what i can only presumme was a seizure ( due to hight temptrature) I thought my time was up, I have never been so scared. Had my husband been aware he would have called 999, had I been able to speak I would have begged him to ring them. Thankfully one week on I am beginning to feel better. I have lost nearly a stone in weight, and have no strength but have survived what was the most awful illness I have ever expreienced. In putting this review, I hope they read it and think twice if anyone else ever rings in similar circumstances. Please change your system and ensure that the very urgent patients get a telephone call, however busy you are. it might save a life.
Visited April 2023
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